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Who could the evil seer possibly be?!


It'd be hilarious if the reveal in the next comic was Tedd on stilts.

It's not going to be for a whole bunch of reasons, but nonetheless.




Good thing our wise protagonist knows better than to gather a bunch of heroes in one place to make the Evil Seer's job easy. Oh... Nevermind 😉


Welp, looks like it's time for another cutscene fight


Hmmm. Evil Seer. Tall guy. NOT Tedd on stilts. Raven?


Which will go really well once Susan gets incapacitated, since Grace is the hero of ranged combat and can just shoooh crap.

Stephen Gilberg

That would be a more welcome break compared with Justin. And Sensei Greg seems too long gone.

Paul Rendell

"It'd be hilarious if the reveal in the next comic was Tedd on stilts." And that was seriously my first guess. Well... platform shoes to be precise, but let's not quibble on the details.

David Howe

So not Leggy Sarah then?


Tedd, without silts, but scaled but to two meters as when installing pressure relief chopsticks?