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Suddenly safety.


How to write like me:

1 - Write whatever comes naturally.

2 - Nitpick the heck out of it.

3 - Victory dance.

Okay, the part where "good" Grace is no longer willing to fight was all part of the plan and I had planned for it to come up at some point, but panels one through three were pretty much my brain on autopilot.




'Dat late night comic posting'! Also, Grace is very responsible.


To be honest. A minor character in One Piece, Yassop, a master sniper, does more or less state that you should never point a gun at something you don’t intend to shoot. Meaning that a gun should not be used as an intimidation tool.


Way to go Susan, you had to be the fun police and ruin the Master of Firearms on us 😂


That's roughly half of the safety rules. Though there's some redundancy between them. (Paraphrased: Always treat a gun as loaded. Never point a gun at something you don't want to put a hole in. Always be aware of where the muzzle is pointed. Always be aware of what's beyond your target.)

Opus the Poet

Realistic arms safety in a webcomic? Have the aliens landed already?


Yes, the Uryom have been in the comic for a while now. ^_^


Sure... But in his case what he really means is that when he points a gun at someone's head, he DOES follow through with it (which he proceeds to immediately demonstrate on a nearby bandit that didn't take this lesson to heart ! In retrospect, that may have been a clue that One Piece world is not all sun and rainbows, as the initial Luffy cheeriness and general Shounen style may lead you to believe).

Mark Ashworth

Rephrase your question, hero! Try "You ARE still willing to defend yourself with a gun if you have limited options, right?"

Some Ed

'Alien'. That always feels like such a confusing term. I mean, I've been here my whole life. I grew up in Pennsylvania. Assuming that you're not living in Africa, with all of your ancestry there, how are you not an alien yourself?


No way to drive this home more effectively than by actually killing off characters. Seems to have become much more common after the time-skip. Never mind that "hour-long execution" thing.


Between chat bubbles covering her abdomen and the different pose of the arms, I first thought Grace is looking intentionally less buff after the first panel?