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And this is why approaching dread pirate squirrels with a "good" alignment can result in conflict. It's not so much "everyone who is evil are buddies", and more "why else would a do-gooder be after me?"

While I haven't actually played that many games with overt morality systems, my expectations are such that "there are bounties on my head and you're a notorious do-gooder" is more explanation than I'd expect from most games in which NPC hostility is dependent upon reputation or morality.

Granted, one might consider that implied in some scenarios, particularly if it's a reputation system like in Fallout New Vegas. In that game, factions kept track of your good and bad behavior separately, and depending on how much you'd done of either, would either think well, neutrally, or poorly of you (with some neutral possibilities suggesting they generally find you very confusing).




If only she'd kept the horns! Grace might be more amenable. :)


This is why the mob is easier to deal with than pirates. Good guys, usually cops, can casually walk into a mob bar, banter and ask questions, usually get no answers, and then leave with little more than a bit of rough housing. But pirates... well, it has something to do with HOW people break the law.


Thank you Ms. Exposition!

Some Ed

Especially "how openly". The thing with the mob is/was, there's always this claim of being honest businesspeople. The thing with pirates, at least as depicted by media, is, they don't. That said, as I understand it, actual pirates tend to have this dual role thing going on. Like how John Hancock's shipping business was an upright, legitimate business to anyone in the colonies, but supposedly didn't always sail nearly far enough to legitimately get the goods they brought in to port.