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This is the "Dan's choice" pinup, and one might wonder if I had this planned at the time I made the Christmas EGS:NP comic

. The answer is yes! I was very concerned with making certain that the milk and cookies would be visible in that comic, for they were foreshadowing.

Well, foreshadowing, and that first panel would've looked quite empty without them, but mostly foreshadowing! 



Scott McCarthy

Well, at least it is good for her...


Happy New Year's, Dan!


Whoa, copious underboob in a Dan Shive piece? Happy New Year, indeed!


Hee hee. Did she pip the buttons on her hips?


Also New Year Minnesota!

Connie Edogawa

I would already love this on principle, but I especially love this because it's basically a two character holiday version of a suggestion I made for the december single character survey, so this is 200% up my alley.


Dan does that! The Elliot and Justin pinup was essentially a gender swapped riff on my suggestion of a Nanase/Ellen post sparring pic. And it was also freaking awesome, sooo....

Connie Edogawa

if these WERE Dan modifying ideas we fans had, that'd be even better, but I'll take just getting great images. especially one of two attractive characters turning into busty cowgirls. all of that, plus them being lesbians/bi is basically playing to my tastes. the only better/comparable options are busty bunny girls, or busty cow girls in bunny girl outfits.

Ryan Flores

Well... Happy new year... and umm.. wow. Ofcourse the MILK turns them into well endowed cowgirls. Heh. Very nice


Say, I don't think she's wearing a bra. (But it's Ellen. I don't know that she ever wears a bra.)