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I wasn't entirely sure what these two should be doing together under these circumstances. It's a bit out of character that they'd be hanging out together in these particular forms anyway, soooooooooo it seemed perfectly 100% entirely without a doubt infallibly logical and undeniable that things should be taken even further out of character.

As for where Ashley and Grace are during this, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure they've found something to do.



Connie Edogawa

well, this is lovely, and I enjoy all the possibilities that could result from this.

Tony B

For a second I was confused how Tedd got the pink hair - then I remembered that Elliot was mimicking Ashley!


"As for where Ashley and Grace are..." Isn't it obvious? Ashley's got the camera.

Connie Edogawa

not quite mimicking. he just ended up mildly similar because he had to keep her in mind, since she wanted slightly shorter than herself for that form.


Oh my, this is great! ~~Edited to remove my idiocy.~~


Isn't the pink haired one Elliott in mall form? Remember that this is Tedd's distraction form- <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=309" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=309</a>


In that form, Redd looks like a cross between Ashley and Fluttershy from My Little Pony.

J. Jenny Jameson

My mind just went in some VERY strange directions. I know Elliot explicitly stated that he doesn't have those kinds of feelings for Tedd, but logic doesn't seem to be sinking this ship.


The short, pink haired one is Elliot, Ashley requested pink hair and shorter than herself when she wanted to see him transform.


...Clearly this is from a timeline wherein Elliot remembered that it was Tedd in that dream and DAMNATION MAN YOU'VE GOT ME GOING ON A WHOLE NEW FANFIC HERE.


But... That's Elliot. The blonde is Tedd's distraction form.


Oh yeah! I guess Ted's Asian looks she has especially with make-up threw me. And what does it mean that Ted's distraction form reminds me of Ellen?


I think Ashley would be too busy blushing to actually take pictures ;)

Ryan Flores

.....I STILL prefer grace/sarah/tedd.... But... This is a nice second


What exactly do you mean when you said you're sure Ashley and Grace found "something" to do? Something for another pinup? :D