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Patreon has made it so the number being displayed on my Patreon page is much closer to the actual amount I will receive after Patreon's cut, credit card fees, etc! YAY!

This also means that, instead of being close to the 3.5k milestone, we suddenly wound up short of the 3k milestone. BOO.

Since I believe that to be totes unfair, I have made the milestones increments of 400 instead of 500. Based on the difference between the old total and the new, I technically should've used increments of 430, but what kind of incremental number is that? Honestly.

End result is that the formerly 3k milestone is met again (now 2.4k), and since I rounded down to 400, the formerly 3.5k milestone (now 2.8k) has ALSO been met. HUZZAH!

Now let's just hope they stick with this new system so I don't have to edit things again.



Hooray rounding errors! Maybe change the titles of the 3.5k and 4k milestone posts as well?


$425 is a nice round number (though I suppose I shouldn't advocate to my disadvantage).


Thanks, Dan! May the errors ever be in our favour. ;)


Be honest, you just wanted an excuse to draw another pinup :D