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I like the idea of a poll option being Carol transforming in some way while reporting the news for a pinup milestone (likely a 3.5k survey, should we reach it), but I'm not sure what sort of transformation people might be interested in seeing. If you have an opinion, feel free to share it here.

EDIT - I should note that I didn't mean to imply that there need to be a logical narrative to it. Any such narrative would only be implied anyway, and open to interpretation.

(Another option is to message me if you'd rather not publicly share you suggestion, which could potentially be added to the survey by me with the suggester remaining anonymous)


Desmond Wooten

I think a good thing transformation idea for Carol would be to have her turn into a more Amazonian Wonder Woman style reporter. She would be responding to a news story about some building that is coming down due to a fire, transform, and save everyone, all while giving a live report on the field in the process.


The immediate idea that pops to my mind would be Carol reporting on the "Griffin Incident" and turning... griffiney.