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Whose dog is this


I tried a version of this comic without the panting, AND IT WAS DEAFENINGLY SILENT. Have you ever seen an old sitcom without the laugh track? It was like that. A thing of nightmares that now burdens my soul.


Game Maker: "This game lets you be good and evil! It's like two stories for the price of one! Think of the replay potential!"

Player: "But I hate all the evil options and will never want to do them. I'm even lukewarm on some of the good ones. Honestly, I question the morality of some of its writers."

GM: "Well, you just need to expand your horizons to include terrible things you don't want to do and choices that other people think are good, but are morally dubious at best."

P: "Wait, you know they're morally dubious at best?"

GM: "Shades of Grey, player. Shades of Grey. Also, for five bucks, we'll put this character in a maid outfit."

P: "SOLD."

I'm not sure why I added that last bit. It's pretty tangential. I guess I just want maid outfits to be options in games?

For all adult characters of any gender, mind you. Also butler outfits, and mix-and-match butler-maid options.

And some sort of mascot costume! You HAVE to have a mascot costume! And there NEEDS to be physics on the head of the costume so it wobbles!

Anyway I don't do all the evil options in games okay bye



Connie Edogawa

"if you're so evil, eat this kitten."


Back when I was playing SW:TOR, I'd annoy my roommate by always choosing light-side options even when we were playing Sith. ^_^


Morality systems including only choices that are "selflessly good to the point of absurdity" and "cartoonishly evil" are why I only play "good" characters. It's not that I think my character should always be selfless to the point of severe self-detriment, it's that I don't want to kill random innocents for shits and giggles. Of the games I've played, I think Mass Effect got the closest to a playable "bad option" with Paragon and Renegade, but I still always preferred the Paragon options.

Joe Blue

but yet, gives you dark side points for choosing a romantic options as a Jedi...


I looked at this strip and thought, "That empty space needs that devil-horn symbol that showed up earlier, first with an arched eyebrow as though intrigued, then flat brows as though disappointed." Personalizing the "doing good" and "doing evil" symbols just sounds like something fun to do with this.


I hate that this is a thing in Fable. See, in Fable 2, there were two types of food you could eat for morality points. To get "good" points, eat tofu. To get "evil" points, eat LIVE BABY CHICKENS. It's even a quest requirement for getting access to the Evil temple: eat five baby chickens in front of the doorman. Even the doorman - the doorman of the TEMPLE DEDICATED TO EVIL - is sickened by it.

James C

Try playing "Overlord"; Your choices are "Evil" or "REALLY Evil"

Stephen Gilberg

Ah, subverting the Kick the Dog trope.

Stephen Gilberg

You're right that silence can be deafening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj-GZJhfBmI

Some Ed

I see you've never eaten a live baby chicken. See, the thing about eating live baby chickens is, they're all kinds of unpleasant. I mean, if you're going to concern yourself with making sure it's still alive by the time it's good and eaten, you're going to need a larger diameter throat than most humans named Susan have. Or, for that matter, any human I've ever encountered. They have claws and feathers, which you may not remember to deal with until it's too late. They have cute little tiny beaks, which while cute, can also be a real pain down there. Additionally, there's the salmonella. You've heard about that, right? You probably just associate it with uncooked poultry. Well, live baby chickens are uncooked poultry. There's a lot more about this whole process that's sickening besides just the good/evil aspect of it. Disclaimer: I have not, in fact, eaten any live baby chickens ever, despite having once live on a farm where I had easy access to them. I was in fact so sickened by the thought of eating baby chickens that I've had problems eating cooked eggs from time to time.