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The bird is not the word after all.


A happy accident in the previous comic was that I forgot to ink in Susan's halo.

I realized this before I shared the comic, but I decided to keep it that way, as I was already imagining the halo having some physics to it in this comic.

Also, it was less visually busy to not have the halo behind Susan saying "bird".

And way easier to just not fix.




This page is adorable and sexy. :) Why doesn't Susan like being an angel, though?


I got a feeling she's gonna try to do terrible things and only fail and keep getting more holy

David Fenger

I wonder if it's due to just how much dust and fluff inevitably end up coming off of bird wings. "Ew, dirt-catchers stuck to my back? I don't think so!"


I think because the wings remind her too much of actual birds? And most actual birds are disgusting, filthy things.

Stephen Gilberg

Horned animals are also filthy and disgusting, but she didn't seem to mind devil features.

Stephen Gilberg

The halo looks like a Sonic ring.

Dan Curtis

sitting in chairs comfortably would be a challenge.


Didn't Susan give a whole bunch of money to a homeless guy not too long ago? And I mean a lot of money. What are the chances that she isn't going to be able to be evil enough to overcome that act of goodness?


She could steal that money back, for a we know game logic could see that as twice as evil as giving the money was good.

Kevin Wright

1) I love the halo just catching up. Happy accident! 2) I love Susan with wings.