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It's looking like there'll be at least a one character pinup this month (knock on wood), so I'm interested in what characters / forms people would be interested in for that.

Please note that I'm currently asking for a single character / form. I will do another survey if it looks like the two character pinup milestone looks certain.

Please check to see if a character has already been mentioned, and reply to that comment if you have something you want to say about that character and what form you might like them in. You can also "like" comments without commenting yourself to help give me an idea what people are interested in.

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More pony morphs like the Tedd-Rarity sketchbook.

Daryl Sawyer

Finally, I have a single character, single form to suggest. Susan, in a Star Trek uniform... an ORIGINAL SERIES Star Trek uniform, short skirt and everything. She would normally wear blue, but for some reason I'm seeing red for this pic.