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I've made a few changes, the most notable being the change to the $10 reward, which was originally for commentaries. I've been behind on those long enough to figure I owe you all commentaries with interest, so I'm just going ahead and say this:

Every commentary has been earned.

This means I am committing to completing every last commentary for every story comic, EGS:NP, and sketchbook that does not currently have one. I don't know how long it will take, particularly given that I don't want to phone them in, but the commentaries will all be completed eventually regardless of whether Patreon explodes or something.

So what happens to the $10 reward now if it's not for that? Firstly, it's been reduced to $5, and there's no longer a limit to the number of Patrons. It is now a tier for people to participate in special surveys and polls, including ones that will affect some of the modified milestones.

The milestones I've changed are the ones relating to sketchbooks. Instead of sketchbooks, they're now for pinup images. Nothing TOO risqué, but nonetheless more than I'd want to put in the sketchbook section. They will be posted here first, and then anywhere else I feel like posting them.

Who's in the 2k pinup and in what form is entirely my choice, but the 2.5 and 3k pinups will be voted on by $5+ Patrons from a list of options. Those options are ultimately up to me, but may be influenced by earlier survey answers from $5+ Patrons.

So those are all the changes for now. I mentioned doing something like this on social media, and a lot of people were enthusiastic about it, but I understand if some people don't like these changes. We'll see how it goes, but I want to at least try it for this month, and likely the next.



I just upped my pledge from $2 to $5, because having a tangible reward (right to vote) that isn't simply "early access" (something I've never cared for) is something I've always wanted, but hadn't been offered at a price I was willing to pay.


Same here, though I went from 3 to 5. Same reason, though.


I've also upped from $3 to $5. It's interesting that the average pledge was $3 - maybe the expensive upper tiers weren't worth it? Certainly this blog post suggests as such <a href="http://mariancall.com/kickstarter-math-is-weird/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mariancall.com/kickstarter-math-is-weird/</a>


Incidentally, if you're looking for a choice on what to write commentaries on first, my vote would be for the series of sketchbooks ending with this one <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=843" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=843</a> - partly because I'm curious as to whether the Canon cannon applies, but also because these were sketchbooks done as Patreon rewards but I don't know, in all cases, what they're of or why.


Worth noting that if you were already pledging $5 (but not $10), you have to "edit" your pledge to change it to the new $5 reward.


Good point, Vincent. I have made a post for that tier alerting patrons of the previous version of the tier that adjustments will have to be done manually.