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My Patreon has been unflagged and it's a bit perplexing.

I found a followup e-mail I somehow missed entirely, in spite of watching for any sort of followup like a hawk, saying it would be unmarked. I have ZERO idea how I could have missed it.

The only reason I knew to look for it was I went on Patreon to post something and noticed that the posting option defaulted to "Public" instead of "Patrons Only".

This change was supposedly made a couple hours before I posted my last post about changes to the Patreon, but hadn't taken effect yet? I distinctly remember having to change the posting option from Patrons Only to Public. I would have noticed not having to do so the same way I noticed it today.

So I don't know how I missed that e-mail, I don't know why my last post had to be manually set to Public if it had already been changed, my explanation of "suggestive" to Patreon support was apparently sufficient, and everything seems awkward and weird now but I guess PG-13ish is fine? I GUESS?

I'm so confused right now. I don't even know how to feel. I was actually thinking stuff like "this isn't great, but maybe now I can worry less about what I post, and maybe I'll work on some of my hang-ups", and now I'm like "this is probably for the best, but now I do have to worry about that", and...

My feelings are in a weird place right now >_<

ANYWAY, I'm going to try to keep this Patreon PG-13ish. I'm also aware that some people are going to read that and cry "noooooo" to the heavens, but it should be pointed out that I wasn't going to be in a super hurry to post anything majorly risque' anyway.

It's ALSO worth noting that apparently the stuff I have now is fine, so there's a little less worry all the same, so suggestive stuff might be more common anyway, and EGS:NP variants can still be a thing.

As for more "mature" things I might draw while working on those hang-ups I mentioned, well... I have other places to post them if I do reach that point. One of my twitter accounts, for example, which I feel I shouldn't link to directly given the current situation, but here's a list of my active Twitter accounts that may be of interest.

Thank you all for your support, ESPECIALLY this past week.

EDIT: That list link didn't work for one person, so maybe it won't for others? It was to the list of members in the List. Here's just the list itself. 



Glad to hear the problem was resolved. Sorry to hear though that you've got some complicated feelings about it. I guess time and practice are the main things that will help you feel more comfortable, and it's probably good to take your time and move at the pace you are comfortable with.


I told ya, man, Patreon false-flagged more than one artist who did completely safe stuff as adult. I can only imagine some ultra-puritan was going around reporting people a bunch, because the other one that I KNOW was false-flagged was a furry webcomic artist who rarely even draws cleavage, let alone anything naughty.


Oh, I believed things were being false-flagged. I believed it was some manner of automation, and initially, I was very certain it would be overturned. Then I got a response from an actual person who said they'd reviewed the page and it needed to stay flagged. At that point, I felt I had every reason to think this wasn't going to be overturned. Then I get another response after describing my own content and what I considered "suggestive", and it was overturned. This in and of itself is odd, because they presumably had looked at my page, and I find it odd that my description changed, well, anything. I was describing what they had supposedly already seen for themselves.


Shit, where am I supposed to get my "18+" fix now? :P


Draw what you want-- we're the appreciative audience, you're the artist. If you're worried it might offend, tag it NSFW and patron-only. If you want to be paranoid, create a separate tier for NSFW.


This. If nothing else, you now better know your own reasons for drawing or not drawing stuff that you wouldn't have drawn before, but it's still and always has been entirely up to you. I'm not going anywhere. :)

James C

Yay! But "Noooooo!". But *shrug* - post what you feel comfortable with. If you feel the need to draw stuff you might not be comfortable posting as practice or to "work on your hang ups", just quietly keep it in a "Dan's Eyes Only" folder for if/when you ever do.


Wow this is a weird situation. I totally get your utterly baffled reaction to all this. And I'm glad the 18+ flsggot removed.

Stephen Gilberg

Reminds me of James Blish's "Common Time." The space-faring protagonist was perceiving the passage of time as 7200 times slower than usual, so 1 second felt like 2 hours and a 10-month journey would feel like 6,000 years. After his initial shock, he warmed up to the idea of all the philosophizing he could do. Then his perception sped up again, and he got a little disappointed.


I know you wanted your Patreon to not be 18+, so I'm happy for you. I would still like to see you go a bit further with the mature stuff than you have previously if you can bring yourself to (if nothing else I'm hoping for a day Grace can go without clothes, fur, or censorship) but I don't care where you post it so long as I can find it. And if you decide not to do that, or don't go all that much further than you have previously, that's okay too - there's always fan art.

John Trauger

The important thing for you, Dan, is you get to create art you honestly like creating for people who honestly like looking at it with a minimum of hassle from The Man. It's a good dry run for what happens next time. You're all but certain to be flagged again. If you decide defending yourself is too big a hassle, it's nice to know choosing not to comes with a few benefits. :)


Honestly, I'm just glad it worked out in the end.


That list of tweeters was certainly useful.


When I clicked through to the Dan's Choice from February (the one that was just on the NSFW twitter) it said "Pledge $0.01 or more per month". So apparently that's a thing.


I made several milestones Patrons Only, and I'm not sure if I should change that. It's possible making certain posts patrons only made the difference when my Patreon was evaluated a second time. It also might be entirely unnecessary. It just seems odd that the first evaluation was "gotta be adults only", then I do that, and I pass the second time. It makes me suspect it made a difference.


I totally get how you wouldn't be sure how to feel about your Patreon getting unflagged since you have no way to really understand the reasons behind anything that happened over the past few days. In any case, I wish you the best of luck with working on your hangups to whatever extent seems right to you and on whichever site works for you.


I think Patreon write their censor scripts in Qbasic. They take the KISS principle too seriously


You have my sympathies in this confusing time. I choose to imagine a newspaper comic soon, where everything/everyone is a sensor bar celebrating the return to PG/PG-13 status. I apologize if such imagining is in poor taste.


I find it puzzling that someone who draws as much sexually suggestive content as you do is so squeamish around the concept of material being for adults.


I don't think it's so much that he's squeamish as he's not that interested in explicit stuff in the first place, and he's trying to make a living here. (insert shrug emoji here)

Brian Aslin

Great to hear. Since the comic itself is PG13 it makes sense that you want the Patron to also be PG13. Not because a ton of 15 year olds are going to suddenly throw money your way, but because parents may find their way here and it could be the difference between a teen being able to enjoy the comic or not. I also kind of get why you might not be sure about making adult stuff that involves your characters. They have been around for a long time, and you don't want to (Can't articulate this but you respect them so don't want to post their nudes, if that makes any sense). Maybe coming up with a new character might be a good way to get around the hang ups. Maybe with a totally different setting or different style. Thank you for the list of twitters (chirpers?), I didn't see that one there before....