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The next EGS:NP will be Monday. It took me forever to come up with a story comic script I was happy with, and I'm prioritizing still having a Friday story comic as early Friday as possible.

That, and I have this I want to address.

Patrons Only

In light of the vagueness of Patreon's "mature themes" meaning, I'm planning to pretty much make anything with an image "Patrons only", including EGS:NP HD.

I don't like that, as I'm pretty sure that means a $1 paywall to view posts, but I like the idea of picking and choosing specific EGS:NPs to be "Patrons Only" each time even less, especially since I'm not 100% sure what would be necessary.

Note that any Milestone images going forward will also be posted in the Sketchbook (if not too suggestive revealing), and on one of my Tumblrs / Deviant Art (regardless of whether it's too suggestive / revealing for the Sketchbook or not).

I might also make a new Twitter? I believe they can be appropriately flagged for such things.

Milestone Changes Next Month

I don't like to significantly change milestones mid-month, and I need to figure out what I'm going to do exactly anyway, but the milestones are going to change after the next set of polls.

Still working on the exact plan, but the goal will be getting caught up on images while still having worthwhile content. To that end, the Milestone Comic option will be gone for at least a while after the next polls.

There will still be nifty milestone things, however. I just need to stop adding "full color comics to make" to my work queue o_o;

Embracing 18+, but not TOO much

Considering the vagueness of "mature themes", I don't even want to fight it anymore. I'm walking on eggshells worrying about what's "okay" or not, and the idea of certain things potentially being "an issue" makes me throw my arms up in the air and say "fine, Patrons Only".

I have no intention of suddenly posting a bunch of bare skin and super suggestive stuff (and certainly nothing beyond an "R-rating"), but I'm going to worry less about it, too, and might post some things I wouldn't have before.

If I do, however, they will be clearly labeled as such, have SFW preview images, and be in the form of attachments. They won't just be things you see unexpectedly by scrolling along or opening an e-mail. They will be easy to avoid if desired.

With this in mind, one of the Milestones I'm thinking of is a minimum number of EGS:NPs with edited versions of them. Not NECESSARILY more suggestive edits, but POTENTIALLY so, and edits more complex than just changing text around.

I'd give more example, but I intend this to be a public post :P


David Hall

If you’re soliciting opinions, an additional Twitter account I can follow would be better for me than Tumblr or DA.


Sucks, but tbh I've been free-riding this comic since...well, I'm not sure, but definately for longer than you've even had a patreon. So this move was the excuse/push I needed to start paying you for all this wonderful stuff. Hopefully there will be more people like me, and this will turn out to be a good thing going forward. (besides: isn't somewhere around 90% of the stuff on here available on the main site (or on your "more ecchi" tumblr) anyway? It sucks, but no-one is actually losing access to stuff, so much as losing *easy* access to stuff. (and also alternate/high-res versions, ofc))


The members of your main cast are all 18+. Seems like a logical progression to me.


This sounds like a solid plan, and I'm interested to see what the new Milestone images will be. :) Also, you can set a Twitter account to "18+" or something like that - the text will still show up, but pics will be hidden behind a box that says "We can't show you everything" so people have to click a button to see the image.

Matt R

The gals just plain naked would be fine in my book.


That's about as far as I might *eventually* go, really. I'm genuinely squeamish seeing / drawing characters doing... "things".


I'd gladly jump my pledge up a few bucks for a consistent "EGS:NP No Birds Edition" alone, so yeah I'm fine with this plan. And yes, Twitter allows for NSFW account-flagging, and a separate Twitter + the current Pinup Tumblr seems like a perfect combo for getting stuff out to the non-paying public.


On one hand it sucks that patreon has gone this way, on the other I gleefully await watching you embrace NSFW post's, i've always been curious how you would draw the nakedness of your characters.


More examples but a public post? Does that mean a private post is coming?


Sucks that Patreon is being shitty about this, but your response seems like it'll be a workable, and perhaps fan-pleasing solution.


Start with non sexual stuff like, “grace forgot to wear shirt” and work your way down. Seriously though considering some of the other stuff out there, and your reluctance to do anything slightly risqué, I’m still surprised that you get pinged for this. But I guess it’s just an example that even certain ideas and themes are too much for some people...

John Trauger

Overall this sounds positive. I like the idea of Dan being free to do what he wants without having to worry about what Patreon would think. Personally I've liked Dan's approach to date. I'm probably in a minority however. Patreon seems to encourage a movement towards increasingly blatant sexual content if what I've seen on DeviantArt is any judge. That's not my thing, but I know Dan has a bigger audience than me.

Daryl Sawyer

lol, "things". Loved that comic. Hmm... there was also an early one with Tedd having a similar thought bubble, wasn't there? But yeah, I don't think any of us are asking for "things" (well, not many of us, anyway). Just don't be shy about normal nudity. There's no need to treat the body like Wilson's face (unless, of course, that's the joke)..


I like that Dan has consistently stuck to things that he's comfortable with. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to force themselves in order to appeal to a thirsty fanbase. That said, I also am a firm believer in comfortable, open sexuality and sexiness, and I'm always happy to see more of it... as long as it's what *you* want to do.


This, definitely. I know what I like, and Dan's done a lot of stuff that I like, but I'd never urge him to go beyond what he's comfortable with just for what I want to see. But if this whole Patreon mess means a return to the more suggestive (perhaps even venturing into lewd) bonus art, I'm good with that. :)


Do what ya want, cuz now it's pretty much open game. So if ya wanna go more lewd, go for it. If not, stick to your guns. I'm personally awesome with it either way. ^^b

Andrew Diseker

Ditto. If you can't feel comfortable doing something, if it gets to the point of not liking it, just do what you like and what you're comfortable with. We long-term fans are extremely OK with whatever you produce, because when you like it, it shows, and makes us like it too!

Steve Harper

While I'm more or less fine with this change in principle, I hope Dan doesn't go too far with it. I like that EGS is "the most perverted squeaky clean comic on the net", and I hope it stays that way.

Cley Faye

Seeing how a lot of creator are handling the patreon crackdown on adult stuff, I'm not sure if they are really against it or secretly pushing for it. Anyway, regardless of patreon changes, as long as you keep doing what you do it's alright in my book.


I'm super unlikely to. I might one day work up the courage to show actual nudity, but I'm generally more comfortable and happier not doing so. As for more extreme things I could draw, I'm super squeamish and generally have no interest in seeing or drawing such... "things" o_o;


Yeah, I think a lot of creators who were on the edge but holding back have just decided that if they will be marked as adult only anyway, then they’ll make more adult only stuff.


There's always an EGS thread on /aco/, where usually a few nude edits lie around for those interested in such *things*. ;)


It's basically a tax on porn. And it's fine as long as their service works.


I seem to recall you saying that we'd already earned commentaries for all the comics, and I can't speak for anyone else, but personally I'd be willing to forgo new milestone images for a while if we could get another good chunk of the commentaries filled in.

John Trauger

Dan, You don't need to go very far out of your way for my sake. Other patrons may appreciate it however. All I ask some stuff I do like and I like one of your perennial subjects. I like improbably topheavy human females in comedic, everyday or mildly suggestive clothes and poses.


If this is the result of someone trying to make your life more difficult by raising flags with Patreon, I suspect it's going to backfire spectacularly. I foresee you gaining a lot of new supporters who are more than happy to pay $1 a month for your amazing work.