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Someone responded to Grace's transformation by saying Justin wouldn't be able to carry her anymore.

Justin disagrees.



Matt R

Before this little series ends, we need to see their final forms

Dragon Writer Luc

In reply to your post on the main site, I believe it is called 'pigtails' when someone has two ponytails. (I'm not totally sure on this.)


That's what I would have assumed, but I've been called out on calling them pigtails before and no longer know what to believe in.

Paul Rendell

I think the Japanese just refer to them as twintails, although that might only apply to the really long ones. Edit: Just looked it up, pigtails are braids on either side of the head.


Can we get mega forms in this story line? Please? Justin's Graceamon would have two


So Justin can still pick up Gracemeleon, but I would be disappointed if Gracezard isn't able to carry Justin.


I thought, per the commentary, Bigger Gracemander was "teenage" height (and sort of assumed all the evo2s were), but with Justin holding her like that, it looks like she's as tall as he is, and the other 2 appear to overtop their trainers (though perspective has something to do with that, I'd assume...) Of course, if you are using pokemon height charts, then all three are going to be way bigger than human by the end, and having something Justin's height be "teen" makes sense...but, then, we saw Beegrace, who was human sized...and I'm just confused....!


Is Graceasaur supposed to look stoned (which goes well with her general "hippie" theme), or am I just imagining things?


Graceasaur's design reminds me of Amalia from Wakfu, especially the ankle bracelets.