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An outcome that probably wasn't in doubt.




... seriously dude I want to play this game SO. BADLY.

Matt R

Gracizard would be the final form then?


I would pay good money if you would get this game kickstarted and going.

Dragon Writer Luc

Unfortunately, it would probably go the way of Pokemon Uranium. (Taken down by Nintendo.)


Maybe get the guys that made the Pixelmon Minecraft mod to make a Gracemon version?


Gracemander defeated a fully metaphorused Graceamonster! Wow!


Slightly Larger Gracemander looks good. I like her grin

Daryl Sawyer

Technically, it would qualify as parody, which is specifically protected under US law. Equally technically, proving that in court would be expensive in terms of court fees alone. Personally, I'd love to see the ACLU or someone devote some resources toward establishing a precedent implementing that protection. I see a creative market that is rather stifled by the threat of litigation, and a landmark court case could allow some fresh air in to the process.

Daryl Sawyer

Holy crap Bigger Gracemander looks badass.


This whole series is awesome. I'm hoping to eventually see Gracevee and the Graceons. ...does that sound like a band name to anyone else?

John Trauger

It's a place where the rights of a large creator stop with a small creator's ability to defend their faces...


Unfortunately, both minecraft pixelmon and Uranium were taken down due to intelligent property violations. They were directly using established pokemon in there games without permission. Technically, Gracemon can get away with parody because they aren't using the exact shapes and names like the others were

Kaz Redclaw

There's other games that have had this sort of conceit that weren't taken down by nintendo. Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest Monsters, and Yokai Watch to name a few. But they didn't basically make their characters thin reskins of pokemon either. :p DQM and SMT also have the distinction of being released before Pokemon though...


Everyone's talking about how it'd get DMCA'd but... couldn't you just make it a ROM hack? Granted, you'd probably be stuck with 32-bit graphics (assuming it's a hack of FireRed or LeafGreen), but it'd still work pretty well. Moemon certainly does just fine with it.