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You can tell by the shape of where you choose an option:

Square - You can choose multiple options

Circle - You can only choose one

For example, you can choose more than one in the latest Susan poll. 

This is the default for most polls you'll see online, though it's probably not universally true (someone's bound to want to be different).



I don't know if it's a thing Patreon can do, but I've also seen polls online that have all square checkboxes except the last one or two, which have radio button(s) that says all/none of the above, and it deactivates all the others when clicked.


If that's the current interface standard, that's good to know. It's a relatively new standard, since I last paid attention to these things at least. :) I have way too much history/baggage with now-obsolete standards, so some of these details don't/didn't register for me. I chalk most details like shape-of-selection-mark up to differences between web-based/app-based/Windows/Mac/Linux/Motif/etc., and it didn't occur to me that the seething stews of platform issues had stabilized into standards.

Brooks Moses

"Checkboxes" (with checkmarks or x's) for select-many and "radio buttons" for select-one have been reasonably standard since the invention of GUIs (and in fact that's how the physical interfaces they iconify work as well). But, yeah, the precise way these get represented, and the fact that now they are sometimes simplified to subtle distinctions like just being squares and circles, is newer and evolving. And of course every generation of interfaces has had renegades that want to be different to muddy the waters.


On the Patreon mobile app they're circles no matter what. Which is annoying, because yeah, standards.

Jaye R.

I thought square corners meant actually happening and round corners meant fantasy or thoughts. ;)

Paul Rendell

I did not in fact know that. I just clicked two and checked to see if the first one disappeared before making my choice(s).

James C

The standard was introduced in 1984, in the first edition of "Inside Macintosh": <a href="https://www.nngroup.com/articles/checkboxes-vs-radio-buttons/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nngroup.com/articles/checkboxes-vs-radio-buttons/</a>

Joe Blue

I know the difference between the two of them...so this is probably not aimed at me. and maybe people just didn't vote, as there was nothing they found interesting. I've done so a few times


People have missed when the option to vote for multiple options was available before, and a couple said this of the most recent poll. This is in response to that.


I wonder if Patreon allows mixing checkbox types in its polls. And maybe a posting with multiple polls (i.e. "pick one from group A, one from group B, all favorites from group C").