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I found this interesting, and you might, too. Looking at the poll, it looks like there are a couple things the majority of people clearly want.

I, however, have the option to download a more detailed speadsheet that paints a different picture.

Most importantly, it shows the number of people who voted (currently) as 422. Bigger breasts, the most popular Susan transformation option, has 192 votes, which actually means only about 45% of voters voted for it. It is actually below even 50%.

The most common number of transformations people voted for is currently only 1 out of the available 20 options, and the average about 4.75 options.

Considering someone had to choose SOMETHING to affect the statistics, I have to figure there are people who would have chosen nothing not being represented in those numbers, and I'm wondering how many chose something on the basis that there was no "no zappa the Susan" option.

Not 100% sure what I'm going to do with this information (probably experiment with more polls), but I wanted to share.



I would love to seem more experimental polls. I love the process of leaning through trial and error what questions need to be asked. My favourite YouTubers do a census every year and it has been a delight over the last seven Ian years seeing how that census has grown and changed. (Maybe this is odd, but I was a Psych major who found Anthro and Stats fascinating 😅🤷🏻‍♀️)


Considering how many options there are, and that all of them have at least a non-negligible number of votes, i'm kindof surprised that "Bigger Breasts" is as high as 45%. I think that's my default expectation of people only getting one vote talking, though, which is clearly not true. Still, 45% saying "bigger breasts" is certainly a strong indicator. :)


Given that that a person could vote for all 20 if they wanted and this is just a general "what would you like to see with Susan" poll, I'm not so sure about that. It's an indicator that it's relatively popular as far as transformations go, certainly, but it's not like people would have skipped over it if they wanted it because there's 20 options, particularly not with the option so close to the top of the poll.


I noted this on the poll page, but I didn't even notice that one could vote for multiple options until I saw this post. Add that into your analysis. (I went back and added more votes since I could.) FWIW, my view is that we see a LOT of size/figure/hair transforms even in continuity. I'm enjoying the other types from the latest NP - themed clothes, mental, even furry - as a change of pace from what is arguably the core theme of the main comic.

Seadog Driftwood (Casey)

It's a pity "weight gain" seems to get so little love, especially considering how well you depict it.

Stephen Gilberg

I think you misused "majority." Try "plurality."


Given that I said "it looks like a majority, BUT", I don't think I did.


I voted for about 5 options, but there were a lot of options that I just felt shouldn't happen to Susan, didn't fit with her character. Quite possibly some people felt that about all of them.


I think I voted for three of the options, but there were really none that I desperately wanted to see. When none of the options are ones I care about, I just hope the winner is something you want to draw, since we'll likely get a better pic that way...

John Trauger

Dan I think you're simply dealing with a highly diverse audience. I think you would be well-served to know the important demographics of your patreon followers. Throwing numbers at the wall: Suppose 50% of your poll respondents are straight-male plus lesbian. In that case a 45% reply for a big-boob Susan means it's a 90% favorite for that segment of your audience that's going to appreciate this sort of sexy-awesome.


While I don't have useful advice for going around it, I can say that I specifically didn't select "Bigger Breasts" not because I don't want it, but because I figured it would get a lot of favoratism anyway, and I wanted to ensure my *other* picks got a stronger boost, statistically speaking (if you converted the votes into a pie graph, one less vote for one thing is functionally identical to a partial vote for everything else.)


...I don't think that's accurate statistics >_>" If you get a 45% Yes from a population that has 50% of a specific demographic, then it could just as easily mean none of that demographic (and some not in that demographic) voted for it. (although in this case your example is more likely). That said, I bet the poll doesn't have sortable statistics such that Dan could get demographics information and use it to sort the other answers by...


The way I saw the poll was you have several different categories each with a few options, So I just picked one from each category.


I tend to assume your polls are "choose as many as apply" unless explicitly stated otherwise. However, it's worth noting that on Patreon Mobile, *all* the checkboxes are circular!

John Trauger

Agreed. I was making a bunch of maybe-not-justifiable assumptions, primary that a breast expansion would only be interesting to those with an obvious sexual interest. The normal curve (abnormal curve?) does mitigate against this. And I totally ignore that it's *Susan*. I'm all over big boobs (so to speak) and number among the 192, but Susan really does rock the willowy look. I stopped for a half-second, considering, before clicking the box. Does Susan need the extra boobage? The past pinup where we had Sarah and Susan going nekkid through con registration, Susan's enhanced bust didn't really "do it" for me, while the video store lifeguard with "stock" Susan did. OTOH, I'd click the "large breasts" for Rhoda in a hot minute every time guaranteed. She's one of my favorites for that sort of thing. I'd click the box for Sarah too. Both girls really seem to enjoy it and that makes a difference.


I think the problem with this poll is that even if it was meant to be a general "what would you like to see with Susan", people tend to interpret it as something where only some options can "win". So even if they like bigger breasts on Susan, if there are other options that they like *more*, they may vote for those and skip voting for the bigger breasts option.


Honestly I tried to pick one thing I liked the most for each category (so 6 votes), though some of the choices made me feel kinda ambivalent. If she were to change sizes I say go big or go home but I just as soon she stay the same height. I too thicker to mean curvier not just bigger boobs which fits my preferences and when she has been transformed seems to be a she likes it but would never admit it thing. Hair I have mixed feeling on but wouldn't necessarily mind seeing her as a redhead as a lark, Furry I just checked one to be honest and mental I would've loved to see mischievous as well aa few other options.


Typo, which I fixed before you posted your reply (but possibly not before you started it), but if you really want,


Hmm, i picked some that could work in one transformation all together(i think). Most options i did not really give one crap about one way or the other, i thought the ones i picked together would be a fun thing and work together well.


Some of us are also just contrarian. I selected my options less because I really, really want to see them - though I like them fine - but more so to counter things I've zero interest in seeing... Big Boobed Susan being high on the list of things I'd actively vote against.