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Site's waiting on the cache still, but here it is!

Also, I hope this clears things up for some people? I can be bad at knowing what people are confused about. Part of that is some people just saying "they're confused" because it can be tricky to clarify what one is confused about when they're confused, but still.

 Edit: corrected a couple spelling / extra word errors 



Connie Edogawa

ok, for panel 2, Diane is blushing because she's flexing for someone who looks like Nanase, whom we can all agree she's got some level of crush on. Sarah, meanwhile, has no immediately apparent excuse for blushing except finding Diane attractive, so we get yet more proof that Sarah isn't exactly straight any longer. somehow, this just makes me feel like the chances of a GraceXTeddXSarah ot3 are better than ever. for that matter, since Elliot's got Ashley, and thus Diane's chances there aren't the greatest, perhaps she can instead get together with Nanase and Ellen. she gets to be with her girl crush and a girl who, until her birth, WAS Diane's male crush, meaning there's at least some level of personality overlap. ok, now I'm just rambling, but I can't help it. I love love and want these people to all be happy in big smooch piles.


Awesome page! Is that a typo in panel 3? I'm not sure "other Ellen's spells" makes sense.


I agree. I was never much into shipping poly relationships but EGS (and EGS:NP especially) has changed that. Also, this particular comic fits a whole lot of sexy-awesome into just two panels, and I have a feeling we'll see a lot of requests for these forms in future pinups. :)

Stephen Gilberg

Anyone else getting tired of this miniseries? Enough with explanations and demos; I want a story.

Chronos Cat

I'm at least getting a little bored with "these spells can be combined, these can't, and everything's a tiny bit different if Ellen holds her fingers just right". But it's still better than EGS:NP being on hiatus while Dan gets ready for the next story.


It'll be over by the end of next week, at which point I (hopefully) will be ready to start Goonmanji 2 the following week.