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And no, Diane isn't shrunk in panel 2. She's just wearing loose clothing (with the tall, extra muscular Elliot form in mind), and the view is higher up than in panel one.

Just thought I'd point that out given that, in spite of Diane being a couple inches taller than Sarah, Diane starts out looking shorter and wearing loose clothing thanks to panel wobbliness.




Thank you for the girl to guy change. :)

James C

The Paste spell doesn't adjust clothing - where's our alt-version of Diane in a tighter top having it shredded by beefy-Elliot's muscle-bound chest? (But, on a serious note, as a martial artist I greatly appreciate how your "strong" characters still look well-toned and healthy instead of looking like zero-percent-body-fat over-exaggerated gym-junkie 'roid-lunks. Although, as a straight male, I tend to appreciate it more with the females ;D)


Maybe I'm missing something (yet again), but what's the mix of spells Sarah's under in panel 1? The end result looks awesome. As does buff Diane. :)


I would also like to know this. It looks like a combo of "taller", "curvier", "longer hair", and "brunette", but where do those effects come from?


Dang, now I really want to see a pinup of that third version of Sarah!


According to the site's page, it's Sarah and Nanase mixed and "FV5ish". Which I can see, now that I'm looking at it on my computer and not my phone.


Sarah's been pasted with Nanase's form in panel 1 and then FV5'd plus made taller.


I really want a pinup of that middle version of Diane. I have never seen you draw a more exciting muscled Brickhouse. Like between her and gal Greg, not even a comparison.


. . . How would Rhoda reach to middle Diane?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

"Sarah is about 5' 3" (160m), and tall, FV5ish Sarah-Nanase is about 6' (1.83m) Tall."<br>Now I want to see these two on a date. I mean I want to see 160m-tall Sarah and 1.83m-tall FV5ish Nanase on a date.


Failing a date, FV5 Sar-nase lifting Sarah in one arm


Climb her like a mountain and plant a kiss at the top?


I actually meant to type REACT, not reach, but dang these are funny


You're right, they look like they look ravishing. Sporty and fun.