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Also, EGS:NP in the afternoon, because I foolishly planned to finish that AFTER the sketchbooks. Firstly, I want to apologize for the delay, and I especially want to apologize to those who were generous enough to make sketchbook requests. November was not a good month for getting sketchbooks done in a timely manner. I had trouble finding time for them on top of the story comics and EGS:NP, and several of the simpler requests came later in the month. I currently have over a dozen sketchbooks in various states of completion in a single file, and I need more time to finish them. They will be completed simultaneously ASAP, so at some point there'll just suddenly be a whole bunch of new sketchbooks. I've already reduced the limits for sketchbooks each month, which will gradually go down, and I might actually reduce them further depending on how the rest of the month goes. I'm very thankful to be in this situation (this is the sort of problem one "wants to have", as they say), but I'm clearly in over my head at the moment


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