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I'm scheming to EVENTUALLY (like, probably not until sometime in 2015) merge the 75, 100, and 150 rewards into a single tier. The amount contributed doesn't have to match the reward level, so I figure having just the $75 tier with additional options depending on how much the real amount is is the most efficient way to handle it while keeping a limited number of sketchbooks. Having them be three separate tiers is sorta messing with how I set the limits ^^;



Have you considered having a suggest a sketchbook tier once you have whittled down your work load. Something like tier at $X dollars, lets you suggest / vote on sketchbook idea once a month or so. Then just post an activity message at say the beginning of the month visible to that level and above asking for suggestions and for people to like the ones they agree with. Then say around middle of the month pick idea(s) that you are comfortable that have a relatively large number of likes. Allows you to have a higher $ tier that doesn't increase that much in work load as more people join it.


This sounds like a great idea, for flexibility, AND it allows people with fluctuating finances to change their donation without just totally losing their reward if they are full.