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Poll Description - Diane after having tripped while carrying a tray of magic tea

Diane was bringing a tray of magic tea for herself and her friends, Rhoda and Lucy, when, well, gravity happened. She seems okay with it, though.




"...is it supposed to do that?" "Well, LESS of that, I did spill three cups-" "WHAT DOES THE COFFEE DO?" "Keeps you up at night, mostly?"


So much floofy hair! :O


Ooh. Does this mean we'll see Tea Lady again?

John Trauger

Is this it or is Diane still growing? That's 3 cups of tea at least there...

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

Oh my god. The expression on her face is so gleeful, and the lighting is so good. You do things that are so based in desire and happiness, I love it!


nice and sexy, i love it


These pinups and one-off eg."kitty Ted familiar"etc. (singles) are totally hot but, perhaps I'm missing something. Why aren't these integrated into the overarching story? I do enjoy the EG strip but (for my taste) it lingers on the sweet / sentimental and yet only occasionally dances around the titillating naughty bits. Sadly, the content never seems to go the sexy extra NSFW mile like these amazing one-off drawings seem demand. PLEASE consider taking these singles and pinups ideas into a hard-R or soft X-rated spinoff.... Nothing vulgar, but let go and lift the kimono a bit. Give us patrons a lusty new slant. A tad of nudity here and splash of sexual tension there would be incredible. THEN I'll be first in line to throw more patreon money your way!


While I do appreciate that you would want to see such things as drawn by me, I'm barely comfortable (or, more accurately, tolerably uncomfortable) enough to draw what you see in the most extreme of these pinups, and part of the reason for that is that they're non-canon indulgences separate from the actual story. What you would like to see is well outside of my comfort zone.


Have you considered ghostwriting under the name "San Dhive"? We promise not reveal your identity ; ) (Hey can't blame a guy for asking). cheers!