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Not showing up on the site just yet, but here it be for the peoples.

EDIT: Minor correction to Rhoda's earrings.

EDIT 2: Fixed posting the low res version when I fixed the earrings ^^;




Is... is she shrinking her clothes in the background? Sneaky.


My intent was that she was changing Ellen back and took some... liberties with Ellen's clothing.


POWER. LIFTER. NANASE. I knew I needed this, but I did not realize how badly.


Am I missing something? This doesn't appear to be the HD File. (I got here after the edit to the earrings)


Beefcake Nanase. Can we get this canon, or a character like this? Could totally see Nanase meeting someone like this at the gym and being buds.


Blonde FV5 Rhoda is... wow. :O I like Rhoda and I like FV5, but I've never felt my weakness for dark-skinned blondes so acutely until right now.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

TAAAAANK! ... Nope. Sorry. Cancel that. Not a tank. Nanase. Still, she probably <i>could</i> "pick up a car just to beat you to death with it."<br><br>FV5 Susan angry, doing the "badass hair blowing in a wind that isn't there" thing is now something I want to see.


she doesn't have to be angry, a look of determination can still get the job done.