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Perfect plan, zero notes

- At egscomics

Oh yeah. It's all coming together.


- Recap of them coming off as bad guys

- When last we saw these brilliant minds (the next comic)

I suspect "I'll think of something in the moment" is the world's most common plan, though I also think it's common for the person planning it to not think of it that way.

Rather, they'll have a vague idea, such as that presented in panel two, and not fully appreciate that, no, that is NOT a complete plan.


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Ugh, these two. :( I hope Lucy flexes all over them for trying to horn in on the double date, and the other girls tell her she's awesome for it.

Stephen Gilberg

I don't know what's less attractive about the guy on the right: the combination of long hair and five o'clock shadow or the awkward poses.