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What was not shared with Lucy

- At egscomics

New EGSNP Comic nonsense, fresh off the... Um... Comickery... Device? Sure, let's go with that.


I don't want to assume all of you would have ran away if you thought your girlfriend told your friend you said this in regard to them, but that's exactly what I'm going to do.

You SO would have ran away, too.

And yes, it is 100% different to get to walk around looking a certain way without also disguising who you are.


More comics at egscomics in partnership with Hiveworks



Matt R

Rhoda looks great in these panels


Ahhhh! I want a giant girlfriend that wants me to be smol and cute! <3 can’t wait to see how to this date goes. :)


Same! And that goes double if she is sometimes the smol one.