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Some would quite like this timeline, but to each their own, eh?




As someone who likes flat girls (well, any size really), I'd love a coloured version of flat Grace like the last huge boob one :p


poor dude. One of the crappiest movies then Grace's latest change.


"And here's your change" might the cleverest line in EGS so far, love it xD


I didn't even spot that, that's hilarious. :) And as much as I liked the bonus pic from Wednesday, Grace looks ridiculously cute in that third panel. Almost like she knew what he was hoping for. :P

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Are you saying 1979 <i>was</i> a long time ago, Dan? I don't actually remember 1979, so I guess it was. Still, thanks for the reminder.


Did Grace become guy Grace? Or just pettanko Grace? Pettanko Grace would be a nice change of pace, all boob-transformations seem to go in the opposite direction until now


More with this Grace, please. I think there's probably some fun to be had with outfits on her.


*Googles* I wouldn't use that word for it given an apparent implication of insecurity about it, but mostly yes


Wonder who will be the one to point out to Grace that the regulars are catching on. :)

David Howe

Not that surprising though. This is the same character that bribed Nanase for a bikini peek, after all... probably just assumes its all the same illusion magic.

Stephen Gilberg

Apparently, the 1990 version is far less popular.