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The bonus image is imply Grace from the last panel un-obscured and in color. I assume absolutely nobody wanted this, but in case I'm wrong, that's what the images starting with "zBonus" is.

EDIT - ARG, uploaded the non-HD version again. I need to try and make that harder to do my mistake :P




I absolutely do not care for that bonus image. Not one bit. In a less sarcastic tone, my suggestion for avoiding accidental uploads of the wrong files is to name them very clearly. That's what I do for the TG webcomics I copy-edit for (which I could name if people are interested and Dan doesn't mind), and I've only made an upload mistake once. I use a suffix of "_lg" for the large ones, and "_sm" for the smaller versions intended for release on the site.


Not only did nobody want this, nobody needed this. I'll just copy this file for a permanent record of... your comic mishaps. Yes. Right.


I do miss the color pages, It made it easier to differentiate between characters. but i guess the monochrome would make the comic making easier.


Aaaaand saved that bonus. For... Um, science.


Just dropping by, good sir, to give you my honest and heartfelt thanks for the additional picture. Your refined and well-practiced skill at drawing lovely women with that particular body type is something I well and truly appreciate. *tips hat, adjusts monocle*


Woo Hoo! A new desktop background is born! :D


(Opens bonus image) -gulps-