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Hi there hello

My name is Lucy and today I'm going to be playing an obscure indie horror game that's about to become a whole lot less obscure maybe it'll get a movie someday I don't know let's see!


It feels weird drawing people shaking hands in 2024, but here we are.

"Hi hi hi I want pats give me pats yay pats NO PATS yes pats thank you that's good NO why did you stop okay bye I'm gone now no wait I'm back hello bye," - a cat.

But seriously, you have to point out ducks.


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Some Ed

That's a bit creepy. That's *exactly* what my cat said to me a few hours ago. Dan, is your crystal ball spying on my apartment? Oh, wait, that's the same thing he says every day, more or less.


Wait... ducks? Are any of them... Demonic? 😈