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Maycol Senpai

Second I didn’t expect Nicholas react to this episodes!!! WICHOLAS! 🐐🔥💚✨ Btw Dragon ball nominated with the best fights, best ost, best MC When it realized, and goku still being number 1 in anime in the anime search internet.

kyle williams12

Nooo why subbed the dub is so much better







Aaron Keith

Of all the things I expected to see today, this wasn't it. W REACTION NICK!!!!! Been loving the dragon ball content the past few months.

Esteban Garcia maldonado

This last episodes went beyond braking the internet they were even in porn websites in Mexico their was fucking huge events with thousands of people watching it life in plazas even the animation house told them to not do it yet the state said” fuck you” and did it anyways


such an L to watch in sub holy


Need episode 2 of redo of healer forehead-sama.


it really doesn’t make a difference but i do like dub better tbh


Oof. The sub is rough on this compared to dub but still so hype.

Ivan Mijacika

I've never even watched dragon ball but if everyone says the dub is better why not do dub lmao


Ah man, hoped for MHA lmao


Bro watched episode 131 in dub. And episode 1 of OG dragon ball in dub. Also it’s pretty hypocritical to get mad at gatekeepers of sub while also gate keeping dub by saying EVERYONE knows dub is better. You don’t speak for everyone.


is MHA coming soon or no? Was looking forward to it all weekend


dragon ball it's not a "nostalgia" factor, it remains one of the most beautiful anime ever (especially the manga), the Shonen genre was born from dragon ball along with Kenshiro and also Sailor Moon on the other side. I understand that you don't feel like it because it's old and you've never felt anything But watching Dragon Ball will change your view on anime in my opinion


I was just waiting for the zeno pill brothers to go "Chappapa"

XyNature XY

fake laugh then pause then dub joke. W content


See how much fun is having watching Dragon Ball? Why y'all hate so much DB? It's peak. My goal in life is live to the day where Nick watches all series of DB

Blasted F

Watch it in whatever language you want. As long as youre enjoying yourself that’s all that matters

Alfredo Espinoza

Would recommend maybe watching the tournament of power, it literally broke the internet when it was airing. That would get more views than starting with dragon ball plus will keep you caught up a little when the new series comes out. likely to be breaking the internet again when it comes back.


broo whys it in sub...

Juan Avila

But he said many times he will never watch it and doesn’t plan too and he’s been spoiled so much because of it already because he said that

Nick McGuire

nick bro just watch the dub stop being cringe

stephanie johnson

I hate the twitch chat sometimes. This is one of those times


I'm a big supporter of Nick. I don't care about this episode in particular not being dub, but if you ever watch the original DB and DBZ please make it Dub. This literally is the ONLY anime that has made the anime industry explode in america because of it's amazing Dub cast. Dragon ball is recognized for that. Any other anime is L dub. Doesn't even come close. Sub is alright for DBZ but Dub is peak. Don't want you to take that L Nick


What a bad thing to do, I wouldn't watch him just because he skipped all the way to the tournament, I think Dragon and Dragon Ball Z are much nicer




why the need to be toxic 💀💀 like poragami here wasn't rude or anything of the sort, he just expressed mild disappointment in a comment section, some of you guys are mad toxic for no reason ngl.


Bru dragon ball has the best English version and didn’t use it the speech was way better in English


I know people are gonna get made at me in the comments For this, it's his stream It's his reaction. Yes, I know, but this is such a big fat L on his part. Such a big L everybody knows the dub of dragon ball is better Everybody knows the dub is better. But his chat and everybody in patron has turned him into a I'm never gonna watch the dub ever. I'm never even gonna give it a chance. Every dub sucks, all the people that do dubbing should just quit and get a different job. That's what most sub only people think they think the people who do the dub should just die. And frankly, it's disgusting. Now im not saying nick is one of those people but most of the people on his Twitch chat and pateron are and when you are constantly getting bombarded with all dubs suck that's what you start to think to.


I don't speak for everyone but it just pisses me off. How many people are sub only and never, ever ever ever give dub a chance I will agree that most anime are better subbed. 95% of anime is better in sub. And 4% of anime is just as good dubbed as it is subbed. And 1% of anime is better in dubbed. Examples of anime that are better dubbed are as follows. Dragon ball Full metal alchemist brotherhood Cyberpunk Assassination Classroom Highschool DxD Those are the ones that are all better in dubbed than subbed off the top of my head. And then there are way way way too many anime that are better subbed than dubbed. I couldn't even name them all. There's just a lot.

Maycol Senpai

Dragon ball it’s great… and it doesn’t matter if u watched it on dub or sub just enjoy it… and Today Nick Loved the Sub so all of u who are saying that he should watched it bud: F@Cķ ÿǒũ!!!! It’s his channel & his reactions. So he can do whatever he wants. Peace out! ✌️😉✨

Maycol Senpai

Bro Just let him enjoy the anime, if he likes it in Dub or Sub it doesn’t matter, there’s other channel that watch the anime in sub. And they loved it. ✨❤️👍🏻


why are you so angry lol, i know its repetitive that fans keep expressing disappointment but that's just how it goes lol no reason to get unreasonably angry 💀💀


wish he watched it in dub

Maycol Senpai

I’m not angry my friend, it’s just funny how people are begging him to watch it on Dub… but sometimes it’s annoying when it repites! 🫠😄

Alfredo Espinoza

Not gonna hit the same but we both know he’s gonna want to jump on it when dragon ball comes back after 7+ years. Just saying at the very least tournament of power. Dragon Ball Z would be better but don’t think he’s gonna think about it till the anime comes back and everyone jumps on it.


There's a lot of salt about sub vs dub in this one and it ain't from the community. Even moderated out comments where people said they preferred something in the dub. I know you didn't do that but you've got some pretty childish mod. Still. If a bit about subs and dubs lasts longer than a minute or two. It's just salt past that point.


"95% of anime is better in sub." It's not. There's no metric that can say any dub is better than another. So this statement is false. I've watched dubs in Mandarin that were absolutely AMAZING. People really do fail to give other languages and voice actors a shot. So we're definitely agreed on that.


I tend to like the English dubs of Dragonball the most but you're stating an opinion as a fact. Remember that.


You would LOVE koroko no basket


All these people are arguing about dub or sub, while I'm just waiting for the destined day when he finally will consider starting his Dragon Ball journey, lol.


This Leburs guy tried to act like he wasn't in on talking shit when Nick posted ATLA instead of MHA lmao. Bro really tried to act like he was not trying to talk smack about no MHA drop


Twitch chat is always filled with no life retarded losers


Yeah that was a stupid move to watch this in sub bro. Dragonball is literally the most GOATED dub out of almost every anime and the difference in voice actors between the old 100 year old grandma (respect to her though for doing what she does) and the Sean guy who voices dub makes a huge difference.


yeah the mods are a bit weird lol, they remove opinions that they think are annoying which is obviously not the way to go about things. i get removing spam and stuff tho, like from people spamming the same thing over and over in chat until nick reads it, but filtering out things you find personally annoying is very weird lol.


Highschool DxD dub was GOATED. Made the series a hundred times funnier and more entertaining. Although it sucks about the VA dub switch up because of some type of allegations against the original Issei. Sort of annoyed me that Issei got switched up but the season 4 adaptation of an entirely different artstyle and animation honestly pissed me off more than anything. For an ecchi and harem Highschool DxD is probably the most well known or favorite among people back in those days and the decisions to switch shit up was stupid af.


Jiren's english voice actor is the same one that does Endeavor from MHA


I don't care for dragonball, but the dub fans screaming in the comments here is actually fire entertainment


in my opinion dragon ball is one of the only anime where I can 100% say the dub is better than subbed

Jeroen Preder

I'm sorry but the sub voice actors sound so wonky to me. Never purposefully watching sub DragonBall. Goku sounds like a child having a temper tantrum in sub.


Yes thank you finally someone who realizes how good the dub for highschool DxD was. also I agree I didn't like that they changed the animation style in the latest season of highschool DxD But I think my favorite dub is assassination classroom it is so underrated more people need to try and watch the dub of assassination classroom I watched it fully in subbed first didn't cry at all then went and watched the dubbed way funnier and the ending made me ball my eyes out


I’m not denying I didn’t do nun, hell I was on his ass. But there’s a clear difference between actually doing something with your life and growing up, or you can continue to bitch about not getting MHA post. I chose to grow up, it’s honestly ridiculous y’all sit here waiting for a single post, the biggest thing is maturity. So you can say “Leburs was also upset with Nick 2 weeks ago” but it really doesn’t matter what happened in the past, it’s what you do in the future. And I’m choosing to not get upset when Nick chooses to post what he wants when he wants. Y’all can continue to be children tho. Nick can do what he wants when he wants, after all, it’s his channel, and y’all are CHOOSING to support it. 🤷🏾

Silvio Lacayo

fuck all these people saying dub is better, even if you prefer it you gotta respect the original voice actors. Also nick watches every anime in sub

Wesley Lambert

Jesus the chat was so baffled by the language of an anime that does half fight scenes half screaming. I watched it in dub growing up but I also didn’t mind watching it in sub with nick. It’s nothing to cry about 😂 nick needs some new viewers

Wesley Lambert

He did a vote halfway through. The chat voted for sub. And he already watched one episode in dub a couple weeks ago. Just putting this out there if you somehow missed it


Yes because I'm willing to bet 90% of his Twitch chat has never watched a single episode of any anime in dubbed and will never ever even try to watch a single episode of any anime in dubbed because they are religiously sub only watchers which in my opinion Is really really sad Every anime that I have watched I've watched in subbed but I've also watched all of them in dubbed if they had a dubbed version and i would watch all the way through in both the subbed and the dubbed that way I have a 100% informed opinion on whether or not a dub or sub is good or bad for example attack on Titan dub is complete garbage it sucked on the other hand you have cyberpunk edgerunners the dub is really really good and better than the sub

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

To everyone saying dub is better your wrong, sub is better for super, dub is better for db,dbz,dbgt

Ivan Mijacika

it's just nostalgia... it's a very solid series that did a lot for the industry but right now there's better things you can watch

Eloisa Estrada

Jeeeeeeeeezzz!!! Is there a single comment about the actual reaction or just complaining about it being sub?! Goddamn 🤨!!! No wonder Nick gets frustrated with meeting people’s expectations and making everyone happy. Enjoy his content. Period. Or not, and leave him alone 😒, follow/watch someone else. I do agree with ppl commenting on how annoying chat is though, those ppl in the chat clearly need to start watching someone else instead or get over it 🤨. I’m happy about this one! Keep them coming Nick! 👍


people in the past have said nick not liking dub is supposedly a running joke and i honestly dont believe that i believe he genuinely hates dub clearly. "watched it in sub hahahaha" he does it to taunt the ppl who prefer dub. its toxic even if it is a joke and shouldnt be. its getting old at this point. i hate this stigma that people have of ALL DUBS being bad which is not true at all hell there are bad subs all subs arent perfect we all know DB dub is iconic, goku sub voice is trash af. its lot of dub that shits on sub version. I can name anime with great dubs. nick is gonna miss out/HAS missed out on so many anime with great dub. Surprised he watched cyberpunk in dub lmao. Ofc every damn sub vs dub poll the sub is gonna win no matter what smh. with sub he misses so much damn dialogue focusing on the stupid chat, then having to rewind to read constantly. seems enjoyable to me. thanks to the dub defenders in the comments. also shout out to the reaction channels who aren't close minded af who show dubs love and who give dubs a chance and watches them. i said wtf i said sub elitists dont bother replying to me i've heard the same wash rinse and repeated bullshit before 💀 i love nick and support him but just my opinion


and also for dbs. you literally mention db, dbz (same characters) as well you're contradicting. thats like saying dub is better for naruto but sub is better for naruto shippuden

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Dub for super is literally ass, sean was horrible in super and vegeta and picolos va sucked hard for super


Yall crying about sub and dub. Oh yeah the yelling of goku is better in english LOL..

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Ur an idiot i know it the ssme characters and same VA's im saying the VA's in super sucked , sean was horrible in super aswell as picolo and vegeta VA, they sucked so bad compared to their performances in the old series


Definitely a lot of other anime with great and iconic dub unless you haven't seen the ones I'm about to name for example: Cowboy Bepop, Death Note, Bleach, Naruto, FMAB etc. Any other anime is L dub is a crazy take unless you're a sub elitist

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Didnt think you were that brain dead that you have to think everyone of their performances are gona be equally good because they play same character


If Nick wasn't one of those people then he is now. Apparently they have him thinking now that "all dubs suck" which is so dumb. Appreciate your comment who cares who will get mad, speak your mind. Sub elitists will get mad no matter what when people defend dub and ofc the people who defend it in most cases, such as this comment section is the lesser percentage


As well is Death Note, Akame ga Kill, Cowboy Bepop, can't think of any others on top of my head. Imo though. Kinda disagree with the percentages, I feel as though there's a lot of great dub where that 4% is much higher, also with the 95% which should be lower but other than that I agree with what you're saying


Interesting, I wonder had you said this same exact comment had he watched it in dub? " it doesn’t matter if u watched it on dub or sub just enjoy it" (we all know he will never give dub a time of day) yet you condemn the people who wanted him to do dub telling them "Fuck you" lmao


the issue is simply that he NEVER gives dubs a chance ever, even series with iconic dubs like naruto and that irritates people. its like he does it to piss people off because he knows some of us prefer the dub. but its whatever


i think dub would be better cuz he misses half the subs from talking to the chat😂😂😂😂 at least he can hear what theyre saying while looking away and be lost on what's going on if he read the subtitles he would understand


I've seen Naruto in english dub and it was unbearable. Only Kakashi and Sakura were alright. I couldn't stand the Naruto VA. Maybe towards the half or the end of shippuden he got better but that's hell of a long time to be good imo.


Of course he can do whatever he want. I just think that if there was an anime to watch in dub, it would be dragon ball z as it is just well known from everyone that the dub cast is amazing and that since he hasn't really watched animes dubbed, that this should be it. That's all.


actually one of the worst takes i have ever heard

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Its literally facts though the dub dropped off hard from z and the sub got better so it overtook thr dub for that season pretty simple easily understood, ive never met anyone who prefers the dub version of super over the sub , it seems to only be people in this comment section

Tyler odem

Hey Nick, I’ve been watching your reactions since the beginning of attack on Titan and back then I could tell you actually were into your own anime journey and you didn’t really care about what the audience thought, and you didn’t really pause as much and I could really see you having fun watching anime but now I feel like you care too much about what your chat/audience is sayin. I get it you need to adhere to your audience but learn to ignore most of the comments unless they are all collectively agreeing on something. I’m not saying you’re not having fun now just don’t let your audience stress you out because people troll to get a reaction for no reason. Keep up the great work man, proud of ya!

Chris Gama

Sigh. Hard disagree but its a matter of opinion. I realize theres a whole generation of anime fans that grew up on dubbed Dragonball, I get it. Its fine. Its what you're all used to and its what you enjoy. But, how many times have we seen Nick make that effort to always stick to the original Japanese version of whatever anime he's watching? He would hard stop "NO!" whenever something accidentally plays in dubbed. So you can understand my confusion as to when the ones making suggestions to Nick for his reactions, when it comes to DBZ, they always, ALWAYS recommend the English dubbed versions. You all can like what you prefer, thats fine. But if Nick wants to really experience Dragonball as he experiences all other anime, then he should be watching it how it was meant to be watched. In Japanese.

Chris Gama

Masako Nozawa is an international treasure. She is the ONLY voice for Goku that I'll ever accept.


Did I single out Naruto VA? No, if you misunderstood. I'm saying Naruto the series. Kakashi, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara, etc all great English VA's. Naruto's dub is iconic like I said. I get ppl may not like Naruto's VA and prefer the sub then again I like Naruto English voice and a lot of other people do too. Maile Flanagan did a great job, lots of ppl didnt even realize she was Principal Perry at first, so now that thats a fact she sucks? Lots of VA's do cartoon characters doesnt mean they aren't great VA's.


@Shisui EXACTLY. thats literally all im saying especially for reaction purposes. its sad how someone who's native language is English, who SPEAKS English somehow hates it so much lmao. When I watch anime i watch it dub, I connect more with the language that I speak I know whats being said


he will never do dub to anything unfortunately (except cyberpunk) he hates dub and will never get a chance so all anime he watches will be sub lol even tho there are great dubs


Only Kakashi and Sakura? Bruh Itachi, Sasuke, Madara, Pain, some other Akatsuki members and other characters great VA's. Well ig you just like the sub voices of them better, difference of opinion


I just wish Nick would give dub a chance, like a lot of people spammed and wanted Nick to watch Naruto dub because similar to Dragon ball ppl like myself grew up watching Naruto dub but he's adamant about watching it in original form. I understand some ppl may prefer the sub tho @Gabriel I know you were responding to Maycol just wanted to give my two cents. Maycol is full of it anyways, he wanted Nick to watch this in sub anyways and said F*** you to the people who wanted him to do dub lol but like you said tho he can do whatever he wants.


Nick don't worry about the hate from dub watchers. Most of the fandom watches sub anyways, this is just a vocal minority. These episodes broke the internet when they came out in japanese. No one was even talking about it when it came out in dub.


He said that he will not watch this year, not that he will never watch, but ya, he probably will never watch it. Regarding the spoilers, if he started watching now DB original, by the time he reaches this episode, he will not remember a thing.


lmao nope. The majority of English speaking people watch dragonball in dub. Maybe if you wanna add the fanbase on the entire earth as a whole but most people that watch Nick speak English.


Basically what I am saying is your comment doesn't mean anything when it comes down to his reactions. Its pointless to even state this.


True! now it just feels like its a "job" rather than a fun watch idk.


jfc americans and their arrogance. no shit im talking about "the entire earth" because other than americans, everyone is mindful that other countries exists. the dub is only popular in the US. the japanese episode crashing every anime streaming website is definite proof of that. every dragon ball subreddit, youtube channel, community watches majority in sub like dude, ur acting like the majority of his audience didn't just vote sub AS SHOWN IN THE VIDEO.

Vailing Bow

This LC guy being a hypocrite as if he didn't contribute to it as well and even went so far as to change his pfp because of all the attention, lol

Vailing Bow

Check his schedule for uploading on Patreon and read the fine print as well.


he already watched 2 episodes of dragon ball in dub. now hes watching 2 episodes in sub. yall will never be happy. you say that dub has a bad stigma then proceed to shit on sub anyways. no wonder it has a stigma when yall are so toxic.

Vailing Bow

And here we go again. More comparing smh.

Einar Engen

To be fair cyberpunk had some amazing english VAs. Like actually know actors like Giancarlo esposito.

Einar Engen

Finally someone here for the reaction and not dub/sub ppl. I really hope he would react to it one day. One of animes that got me into anime for real.


That Leburs guy is delusional lmao where the fuck was i bitching about the MHA post? Are u stupid?


You people are always complaining about something my gosh


I do not get how people care so much about the whole sub vs dub thing, just watch the show the way you like. Yes, sub is generally better. But in some shows dub is better. Dragonball is honestly fine in both, people let their nostalgia ruin the experience of watching stuff in another language than the first time. Just stop complaining and let nick enjoy the stuff he watches.


For reaction purposes? He would lose many viewers... those who watch with subtitles wouldn't bear that cringeworthy dubbing.


damn SUB and DUB are real deal for DBZ fans.. sheesh LMAO.. other way around there is always other side so I guess just don't watch this anime then LOL. This might start the WW3 haha and DUB and the SUB war!!!


I think he purposly watched it in sub so that he can irritate the complainers 😂


The part where I said the other characters VA were great didn't get through it seems. Rock Lee is another terrible VA in English. Chiyo, Tsunade, Gai and many others were awesome. Just couldn't wrap my mind around Naruto. It took me some time to get around Goku's japanese VA. Both VA captures the essence of the character; carefree, serious at times Goku but they're just two very different voices to have to get used to.


oh didnt know he watched 2 eps in dub. well no matter what hes gonna shit on dub and lean towards sub. its not about "yall will never be happy" im not being difficult. Nick just doesnt realize that there are great dubs out there and he thinks ALL dub is bad which is annoying, he never gives it a chance, dude was so confused on "Is it a thing that reactors watch Naruto in dub?" Of course, lots of them do and have..... so yeah im gonna shit on sub because im tired of it. sub is not perfect and there are shitty subs out there. the sub elitists are the ones who are toxic towards dub, THATS why it has a bad stigma


lol ok dub is still better, baka. since you love Japanese so much and speak it apparently i called u baka


i speak English its my native tongue so hearing it isnt cringe to me because i connect to it. whats cringe is a foreign language that idk or dont even speak lol


Nick knows what hes doing, it does it to piss ppl off. With the case of dub being better (this series) ofc he will go to sub, he never gives dub a chance. More like Nick lets his sub bias ruin his experience of trying dub and he makes the supporters upset, the ones who want him to do dub. he be missin hella dialogue then be having to rewind because he always focuses on the chat, if he enjoys that then alright


Then watch it with dub. Other wants to watch it in sub so just respect each other preference. Easy as that. Peace V


why so big deal in DBZ if its dub and sub.. DAMN!


I did.... it didn't say I wasn't allowed to ask a question or voice an opinion in the comments


Because he act like a child maybe mf ? And it's a girl voicing him moron, thanks god he ain't watching this shitty gay dub


Bruh I'm gonna start blocking y'all dub cock riders


Watched High School DxD as dubbed by accident and it was amazing.

J Jabak

skipping MHA twice in a row is consistently bad lol


Where is MHA at? man my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Stfu, he released the 4 episodes previous week, he will upload 2 today or 4 Thursday / Friday Bro is here for MHA since February and is already fcking toxic lmao fck u


He released the 4 episodes previous week, he will upload 2 today or 4 Thursday / Friday I guess

J Jabak

"learn to read" all i see is MONDAY and WEDNESDAY MHA , if he can't stick to a schedule and you cant stop dick riding & white knighting its not my problem loser


bruh shut the fuck up lmfao. i’m as big of a MHA fan as they come but you little queers ruin it for everyone. he’s going to upload more this week just be fucking patient for fucks sake


just ban all these toxic fuckers crying about dub and problem solved


I have the context, and that smile at 31:54 that I forgot felt so good, DB Super was very good and DBZ was one of my first animes when I was a kid with One Piece, it was on the TV haha good old days. Hope you'll react to episode 110 or DBZ + Super one day who knows (Even if I'll admit it, DBZ didn't grew well with the time but it's still a fcking classic)


read everything you fucking clown or GET THE FUCK OFF Patreon. "If I miss a day, the day will be made up that following week with the missing episodes. So please don’t ask me when things will come out, as they will be out by the end of each week."


If I miss a day, the day will be made up that following week with the missing episodes. So please don’t ask me when things will come out, as they will be out by the end of each week.


If I miss a day, the day will be made up that following week with the missing episodes. So please don’t ask me when things will come out, as they will be out by the end of each week.


I copied and pasted this 4 times because you seem quite dense


"If I miss a day, the day will be made up that following week with the missing episodes. So please don’t ask me when things will come out, as they will be out by the end of each week."


Chill bro you're gonna lose all your hair if you mald any harder

J Jabak

This guy cannot even count to save his life HAHAHAHAHA. Its 3 times. Malding ass dick rider XD


If I miss a day, the day will be made up that following week with the missing episodes. So please don’t ask me when things will come out, as they will be out by the end of each week.


If I miss a day, the day will be made up that following week with the missing episodes. So please don’t ask me when things will come out, as they will be out by the end of each week.


It doesn't matter if he watched sub or dub. The people voted for sub so he watched sub. Anyway it's not the end of the world. Grow up toxic fans

Brian Perez Vera

What is he doing at the beginning of the video 😂😭💀


they just arent actual dbz fans (like him) and most of nicholas fanbase are sub watchers so its no surprise thatll happen 🤯

Adam Benko

Forget that DBS exists. Start with Dragon ball then watch Dragon Ball Z and forget forever about the sequels.

Ivan Mijacika

Yeah we'll get the 4 episodes for the week eventually but why even promise a schedule then. I just resubscribed after unsubscribing for months and the same problems are going on... He still releases way more than anyone else so it feels dumb to complain but it's just a little disappointing when I'm expecting smth and it consistently doesn't happen. He should just say 4 episodes a week


Patrick Seitz. Yeah. I got used to the Japanese Jiren initially, but Patrick Seitz's performance is really good. One of my favourite actors.

Κώστας Βασιλειάδης

Sub is always going to be better, no matter the anime, yes dragonball dub is really good, but its not going to top sub.


Here we go again with the cock buffet mha fans


no way, majority of anime community are sub watcher. Sub always win the polls on every channel. Maybe 5-10% of people here are dub watchers


Dub = no emotions


you must be crazy to believe that 80% of people would leave LOL. 1% max

John Doe

The baboons screeching in these comments make me appreciate Reddit's downvote system


False statement. Dub can be better than its sub counterparts, its a true fact with several anime. Ppl are just blinded by the fact that its sub so they wanna watch it in Japanese just because its anime


Thank you, finally someone with common sense. Its pretty common that 90% of everyone leans toward the sub yet whenever someone has a different opinion and prefer dub, here comes the salty ass sub elitists like this bitch Matthis like boy shut your ass up, okay block the ppl who love and appreciate dub...who gives a shit like omg you're gonna block? Oh nooooo im SO scared lmao go right ahead cuz my block button works too for you and the other bitches with my name in their mouth. DUB > SUB


Love how angry this bitch Matthis getting at all the comments that disapprove of sub/prefer dub.....yet he's the one telling me that IM "angy" "angyyyy" okay sis....who says angy, you have no room to call anything gay


heard that one before come up with something new sub elitist, bye


I will watch it and dub and continue to and have but the issue comes with reactors who purposely never give dub a chance due to being spiteful and trolling just to get under people's skin. but hey the longer this bs happens ppl won't support. so he can keep his "preference" its all good idgaf anymore


dbz fans.. if u want to attract dbz fans then go with dub since majority grew up with that and still watches in that way


i dont think anyone expected dbz at the time so obviously sub wins since everyone here is expecting sub content in general


I really love all Americans saying dub dub but you don't know the real goated is the Latin American dub. It's juts on another level.


It's only your opinion, whole world except some ppl in USA know that sub>dub


Sub > Russian dub > Zimbabwe dub > English dub

Skifreak 5150

not watching this in dub means nick does not care about views (if he ever uploads this) which i find pretty interesting. I guess he gets more than enough patrons or just does not care


lmao how you gonna speak for a whole world, um no. where is your source like lmao. there are def ppl outside of USA + lots of ppl in USA who prefer dub and have no issue with it a lot of ppl grew up watching dub too. just bc you say sub>dub doesn't mean majority of everyone else agrees, sure lot of ppl do but lots of others pp l think otherwise maybe not more since yes sub is "superior" and most ppl will go to sub but that dont mean shit bc there are great dubs. Dub>sub


wdym, expressing a lil disappointment isn't immature, you have a false sense of maturity 💀💀 you have yet to grow up AT ALL lol get off your high horse.


i think its because nick cant really insure that his mods don't completely power trip because they are most likely volunteer mods like 90% of other twitch mods.


Bruh stop playing in the comments DBS dub is mid as hell tbh, especially when he goes UI + Nozawa is goated have some respect. But whatever he's watching some Dragon Ball it's all that matters (I wouldn't have said the same if he watched it dub tho ngl, but that's not what he's doing so...🤣🤣)


Tho ngl you need to see some more DB or DBZ content cause DBS got some cool moments here and there but it's not half of what DB/Z is imo


Literally everyone who says Dragon Ball is better in dub only thinks that because they watched it in dub growing up and are unable to remove their own bias. It is not better in dub, and constantly whining about it is cringe.


mmmmm no it is better. i dont want to hear a tiny voice from one of the strongest mcs

Isaiah Lamas

Dub is better, but this is a good video


The english dub is Just awful like all American dubs cause they dont have dub culture. So they like it cause they grew with it. The rest of the world laughs at US dub


Yeah right... haha. Is Just cause you grew with it. Sub is better,latín American is second and english is Just a laugh for everyone except us


The worst part is that off all the dubs The mexican one is superior bt A LOT and still The original voces are the best. Just watch reactions from non American people and the us dubs are literally comical for the rest of the world.. and we are more xd


i think you will go crazy and bald if you decide to watch out of context Dragon Ball super: Broly movie

JP Garcia

Most animes are better sub, but have you actually seen episode 130 dub!!?? I disagree with the ppl who were spamming chat, but the episode is literally just better in dub. There's a reason why the clip where Goku does the yell/roar with the UI ost went viral and blew up the internet back in 2018.

JP Garcia

He already did. The gogeta fight is what he reacted to I think.