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My Hero Academia VS Code Geass

  • My Hero Academia 1442
  • Code Geass 1457
  • 2023-10-11
  • —2023-10-13
  • 2899 votes
{'title': 'My Hero Academia VS Code Geass', 'choices': [{'text': 'My Hero Academia', 'votes': 1442}, {'text': 'Code Geass', 'votes': 1457}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 13, 21, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 11, 20, 16, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 2899}


So.. as you can see in the other poll, these 2 Anime’s have been tied for days. So we’ll settle it here. Yall have till Friday.




MHA for the win


Geass is superior but MHA will get you more viewers


still tied


Code geass ON TOP


Alot of people gonna be mad💀 better start both shows nick


Honestly either Nick should just pick one of these shows because it’s always 50/50 or make everyone happy by watching both of them and Haikyuu. So Haikyuu Monday/Wednesday, MHA Tuesday/Thursday and then Code Geass Friday/Saturday otherwise this is never going to be settled


It's literally dead 50/50 split, so straight up just pick the one you want to watch more nick :D


Lol on Nick's IG he even voted for Code Geass before he put up the poll.


mha is so boring and don’t want Nick to watch another shonen anyways. It just takes all the bad parts from shonen and shows like bc and makes them worse the plot is also god awful and feels like throughout the story bullshit is just randomly made up with no real intent or purpose other than to keep the show going. That’s just my opinion tho if you like mha and watch it fine by me but I can’t stand it and wouldn’t want Nick watching it.


With the vote continuing to be so close, honestly you should just choose the one that sounds best to you! One of the big advantage to Code Geass is that it's short AND finished. Personally, I'm not a fan of Code Geass. I'm not really sure what it is, but something about it did not mesh well with me. The show single handedly made me believe I hated mecha anime. My Hero has some really weak seasons though, and Code Geass is consistently 'good'.


If MHA wins imma cancel untill hes done with it.

Michael Rogers

I'm not a fan of Code Geass, I'd rather watch his MHA reaction.

Gray Cadmon

Bro MHA will be such a boredom. It'll be really hard to fake excitement in those reactions.


He should do both to please everyone and make them stay subbed. Otherwise I can already tell he will lose a decent amount of subs if he picks MHA.

- Its AH Shot

MHA is not awful but I know he’d love code geass.


i love MHA but the core fanbase will probably be mad if he doesn’t react to it.

markiz di

It is so funny that it still draw, i like code geass but mha will be fun too! Strongest will win

Anime Wulf

This poll is starting to turn out a lot like the election.


Voted at 11:59 not because of trolling just because I saw this while at work ironic isn't it....but code geass is still my vote


nah, this is just won’t end

BasSini King

At this point just do both mha on stream because its a longer anime and more popular code geass is patreon exclusive because ita more shorter


I hope you will react to mha!

Xan Acktor

This is crazy, ill take both at this point. CG for patreon and MHA for stream. I think that format would work very well for both groups.


I cant catch streams because of timezones so that would be stupid tho


Plus Ultra!!!!!


I started My Hero Academia because my mom gave me 2 t-shirts with characters on it from that show so I thought I should start watching. I loved it and was kind of hooked. Then I decided to buy the first manga because I loved it so much. 😂


This is funny what is Nick gonna do imagine he says we’re not watching either of them because of the tie and he’ll watch them on his own




Just flip a coin


Ok its official, dumb MHA and do Code Geass W


On my end it says Code Geass won 50% to 49% but people say MHA won. I'm confused


On my end its 50/50


How is this even possible

Eduard Lesnikov

2,899 votes total with 50/50??? Doesn't adds up!! So one or the other got one more vote to it!!! We will know tomorrow, (code geass 🤞🤞)


My advice to Nick is this: Make MHA a twitch show. There are many stale and borings scenes in MHA where no action happens and the conversations they have/interactions are meaningless during those scenes. If you have to Twitch chat, they will be to entertain you at least when those moments happen. I can guarantee you will get bored or sleepy watching MHA in some of the dead episodes. MHA has some great peak moments but it's not keeping up the heat long enough. Code Geass is a short 50 episodes but very tactical, action packed and interesting show. You will be invested, and you won't get bored. It will be like one of those Nitro shots that you take Nick!



Brad Jones

both of these are way to good to pick one, code geass is a classic, but my hero has better reactible moments in my opinion.

Ray Roy

Pls both :) love ya


bruh both of these are still tied for this long on a whole seperate poll honestly insane

Gray Cadmon

I giass you should freeze that Haikyu for now and just do these two.


Watch Code Geass first you won’t regret it. Fun fact the anime came before the manga.


Code Geass is first and then MHA will come after Code Geass is done.


Code Geass first. Entertaining through and through

Mak V

Don't lie. He never promised MHA after CG, he simply announced the winner. The typical-American-cartoon-hero Acedemy will have to go through another vote in 2024+. Hopefully, MHA fans will grow up by then.

Spearbearer Josh

Holy shit guys, look at the total votes. One of then won by a SINGULAR vote

Mak V

No, the margin of error is bigger: it can be up to 14 votes, because 1% is 28.


We did it CG boys n girls!!!



Michael Rogers

Didn't MHA technically win last poll? Even if it's 1%.