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SOUL SOCIETY IS DONE.. skipped fillers. New Arc begins!!



Rei Drasa



Good thing you skipped that filler arc. I wish I could send a message back in time to tell me to skip the Bount arc





Kay M (edited)

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2023-11-21 17:48:21 Bruh same I dropped the series after episode 70 cuz the filler dragged so hard I should’ve just skipped
2023-11-21 17:48:21 Bruh same I dropped the series after episode 70 cuz the filler dragged so hard I should’ve just skipped
2023-11-21 17:48:21 Bruh same I dropped the series after episode 70 cuz the filler dragged so hard I should’ve just skipped
2023-10-04 22:40:05 Bruh same I dropped the series after episode 70 cuz the filler dragged so hard I should’ve just skipped

Bruh same I dropped the series after episode 70 cuz the filler dragged so hard I should’ve just skipped

Pimp daddy chopper

Nick I need the link for hxh this video doesn’t work please!!!!

ADMNTT (edited)

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2023-11-21 17:48:21 Thank god patreon app had an update I can finally watch on my phone horizontally 🤣🤣
2023-11-21 17:48:21 Thank god patreon app had an update I can finally watch on my phone horizontally 🤣🤣
2023-11-21 17:48:21 Thank god patreon app had an update I can finally watch on my phone horizontally 🤣🤣
2023-11-21 17:48:21 Thank god patreon app had an update I can finally watch on my phone horizontally 🤣🤣
2023-10-04 22:50:32 Thank god patreon app had an update I can finally watch on my phone horizontally 🤣🤣

Thank god patreon app had an update I can finally watch on my phone horizontally 🤣🤣

no u uwu

Idk why but the video keeps pausing & won't unpause..is there not a link you post like usual?

Balek Ouille

THE Vimeo Link is not here, it s the same with hxh

Balek Ouille

yes it s supposed to be, it does the same thing to me, i can t watch this without the link


Wow did patron update it’s site? This looks cool. Gonna get a little getting used to. I got lost for a second when I first opened it 😅

Pimp daddy chopper

Someone please tell him to post the link all these vids have no sound! No hate ofc not like he expected this but I’ve been waiting for these vids I wanna watch them😭😂

Pimp daddy chopper

Well isn’t that great lol. Mine starts off with sound and then cuts to a black screen and comes back with no sound. Really annoying me

Alexa Dietrich

Wanna know how powerful Aizen is? He killed Ichigo's theme song. We won't hear it again for a LONG ASS time.

Connor Sarro

time for the peak OST arc, starting with Clavar la espada that song is so peak




Biggest flex in anime stopped the main theme with one finger

Gray Matters

The dumbest part about Byakuya's story is that HE made the vow to his dead parents of his own will, HE decided it, they were already dead, so he done fucked up himself. That shit shoulda been tossed aside ASAP.


I had the same reaction with Ichigo's dad. I was like "who is this guy" when he showed up and then he said his name and i was freaking out


but people like that exist and we may not like it, but it made sense for a person like himself.

Christian Clark

I hope you go back and watch the filler arc. I liked it but for sure no way you could make videos without people crying


This update sucks the Patreon logo looks like a boomerang or something and the video buffers or changes quality since its in app

Uchiha With Some Gas

bro, it’s okay, if u say that u got spoiled, stop acting my man, i really appreciate u and all of ur work, but some of your deeds are just wrong

Gray Cadmon

Bro finally honestly. I'm shaking like a heroin addict, you can't do this to me bro.


i cant download the video anymore so i could watch on my tv bruhhh pls help


Hey, Nick! Could you please make a separate link for the videos? Patreon player is sucks😖

Christian Clark

thanks for using patreon for videos. most of us know how to use technology so it works


Hey, Nick! Could you please make a separate link for the videos? Patreon player is sucks! We cant select the 1080p quality, in patreon player this switchs randomly to bad quality =/

Michela Bortoloni

Patreon player is terrible, plz come backup vimeo

Kikol _

bro didn't notice the captain's cape on ichigo's father


the patreon videos so buffery please to vimeo again nich

dzuudo (edited)

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2023-10-06 06:16:56 W upload
2023-10-05 21:16:32 W upload!

W upload!


I honestly had the exact opposite experience. I manage the Patroen videos without a hitch, but with vimeo it takes me roughly 1 1/2 hours to get through a 40 minute video on low quality.

Sebastian Möstl

Im so sick of the twitch chat spoiling

J Pheng

can you tell me how? mine keeps buffing every like 10mins. its not the worse but id like to not have to pause and wait. thanks.


Nick stop using that patreon player it doesnt work and pauses like 20 secs in the video

Gray Cadmon

Ulquiorra comes in ep 113, I cannot wait. Best character in any anime by far. My sweet boy. <33


Ngl I thought it said 61-111 and I was like holy shit he didn’t sleep 💀

Pax the Casual

I know this'll get some people upset but this isn't trolling. Unfortunately, I wish I could say without a doubt that this is his first time approaching this show, but it just can't be. Based on his reactions to other newer anime, his predictions with those are much more hit and miss, when he makes them. However, with Hunter Hunter and Bleach his predictions and slip-ups, that he makes constantly, have been pretty damn near 100% accurate. That's just a statistical improbability for someone supposedly first-time watching a show. Still, he's entertaining when seeing his reactions to some bits, but the bigger plot points he already knows and to enjoy them I've just had to accept this.




Maybe thats a 7th sense hes just good you know hes raper so hes good at creating beats with just thinking about it so maybe hes using it even to connecting some facts and using it to predict someshit in anime :DD

Mikaele (edited)

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2023-10-13 14:13:36 it's ok to say you got spoiled man, honestly
2023-10-13 14:13:36 it's ok to say you got spoiled man, honestly
2023-10-13 14:13:36 it's ok to say you got spoiled man, honestly
2023-10-13 11:44:50 it's ok to say you got spoiled man, honestly

it's ok to say you got spoiled man, honestly


Pls reupload. Patreon vid doesnt load


The Bount arc (filler) added OST 2 to the playlist, give it a listen. Each ost has its own central theme. By now OST from the first movie should also be in the playlist. Hueco Mundo P1 adds OST 3 and the second half adds OSTs from Diamond Dust Rebellion and Fade to Black.


Ehh not really amazing. It is a good watch but it's on par with Fullbring imo with extra simping


Dumbasses in chat told him to skip a part that was in the manga.

John H. Doan

Is it just me or does his moans sound like filthy frank noises lol?