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  • 1 Dress to a tea party.m4a




I am happy to share with you this charming and touching story written by Jennifer White that will make you smile and make you feel good.

Author - Jennifer White

When Adam was just a boy, his best friend was Jan, who lived next door. They were the same age, and they played together as soon as they were at the age that they could even have friends. One would stay at the other's house overnight, or if one mother was busy, they would go over to the other's house.

Even when they were in grade school, they were still the best of friends. They did everything together. Jan would do some things that many girls didn't, like play sports with Adam. In turn, Adam would do some things that most boys didn't, like play house with Jan or play with her dolls.

In fact, Jan's favorite activity was her tea parties. She would set up all sorts of dolls and stuffed animals on benches and chairs in the basement and pretend to serve them tea. Adam would help her dress up the dolls and animals in pretty clothes.

"You need something pretty too," Jan would say. Adam was almost the same size as her, so she would find a pretty pink dress for him to wear. He would help serve tea to the animals and dolls, then sit the way Jan taught him and pretend to sip the tea and converse with her and 'the guests'.

This went on for months and months, until one day Jan's father came downstairs in the middle of the party. He was horrified to see what was going on. Adam was put back into his own clothes and sent home. After that, it was never the same between them. And one month later, Adam had to move away because his father got a promotion at work, and they had to relocate to Atlanta.

Adam wrote Jan regularly, and she wrote back. But over time, they lost track of each other, and their time as close friends became just a faded memory in the back of their minds.

Adam looked in the mirror. He was turning 35 years old today, and he stared at his hair, dreading to see if there was any gray or if it was starting to thin as his father's hair had done before age 40. But so far, no problems.

He didn't feel old, but he was 35 now. When he was a child, a teenager seemed old. When he was 18, 21 seemed old! And someone 35 was like an old man. But now here he was, turning 35 himself. His body was in good shape since he worked out regularly and played basketball two nights a week.

He felt sad because he was alone, with nobody to celebrate his birthday with him. He was fairly successful, living in a modest house in the Chicago suburbs. His girlfriend had left him a couple of months ago, and he hadn't been ready to date yet. He had been engaged once, but she had broken it off and returned the ring, which he still kept in a drawer on his desk.

Adam thought about it again. He hadn't really been able to form a close relationship with a woman. Something always held him back. He had really tried with Debra, but it just wasn't meant to be. He had been fooling himself anyway. If they had been married, he would have been unhappy today anyway. And her too. It was for the best. After she gave back the ring, he realized that he didn't have to get married just because he was 30 years old. He didn't need to do it for his parents or for anyone else. It had to be for himself. He made a vow never to marry unless it was for true love.

He went through the mail, but it was the usual junk mail and bills. and a birthday card from his sister in Iowa. He was past the age where anyone would give him gifts. It was kind of an empty holiday for him now. one to be dreaded instead of one to look forward to.

He thought back to when he was young and how he would blow out the candles on the cake. being with family and friends. including his special friend, Jan. He thought of her now and then, but never had the nerve to look her up. She must be married by now, with children of her own. He couldn't bear to think of her with another man, so he blocked her out of his mind. He tried not to think of her at all. It made him too sad.

His thoughts were interrupted when the phone rang.

"Hello?" he said.

There was no answer.

"Hello?" must be a telemarketer. He hung up.

Adam went into the kitchen and started to make his lunch. If you call a salami sandwich something you'make'. He just didn't feel like anything fancier. The phone rang again, and this time it was the same: no answer. He was annoyed now and decided that he wouldn't answer the phone again today. Let the machine get it.

When he was finishing his lunch, the doorbell rang.

"Better not be a salesman," he thought, still upset with the hang-up calls. He wiped off his mouth and hands and went to the door. He opened it and saw an auburn-haired woman standing there. Something was familiar about her. Suddenly, it dawned on him.

"Jan!" he said. She was older now, but it was her. He would know her anywhere.

"Hi Adam," she said.

They rushed together and hugged. It had been over twenty years since they had seen each other in person and 15 years since they had last spoken. Yet they still had a bond of closeness, which most people never get a chance to know.

"What are you doing here?" he said, still stunned at her visit.

"It's your birthday, isn't it? I thought I'd come over to celebrate it with you."

He invited her in, broke out his best bottle of wine, and they talked for hours and hours. He told her his history for the last 20 years. And she told him what had happened to her. She went to college, got an MBA, and is now a general manager for a manufacturing company. She had been married right out of college but was divorced in under two years. Since then, she hasn't had a close relationship.

It struck Adam how similar it was to his experiences. except that her husband had been controlling and abusive. Only after he broke her arm did she divorce him. And she had other problems with other men being controlling over the years. She said that she just didn't trust any man anymore.

She had just been transferred to Chicago, and just on a whim, she looked for him in the phone book.

"I called, heard your voice, and just froze. I'm sorry, but I was too scared to say anything."

"I thought you were a telemarketer," he said.

They both laughed and continued their talk.

At the end of the evening, Adam knew that he wanted to pursue a relationship with his dear friend from his childhood. But given her bad experience with men, he didn't want to pressure her. He had to show her that he was different.

They agreed to meet at her apartment a few days later.

"Thank you," he said as she prepared to leave.

"For what?"

"For giving me the best birthday present I've ever received."

They got together as scheduled and went out to dinner. Both had a wonderful time. When they got back to her apartment, Adam spoke his mind. He told her how lonely he had been and how wonderful it was to spend time with her again.

"It's like we were meant to meet again like my whole life led me up to this point on purpose," he said. She nodded silently.

"I don't want to pressure you," he said, "but I know in my heart that I'd like to have a relationship with you." I'd like to start seeing you. I'd like to start dating."

"After what I've been through," she said, "I have a hard time trusting men, like I told you." Even you.  I'm sorry, but we need to build some trust first."

"I'm willing to go as slow as you want. I'm willing to do anything to build trust with you."

She sat quietly for a few moments.

"I will give you a chance. "Come on over to my place Saturday morning."

"I'll be there," he said excitedly.

On Saturday, Adam showed up at her doorstep at 9:00 a.m., as promised. She welcomed him inside and had him sit on the couch.

"Listen, Adam, I'm going to ask you to do something for me. I know this may seem strange or hard for you to do. But I've got to find out something about you. If you are still the way you were when you were young, then everything is perfect. But people change. "I don't want you to think of this as a test, but I've just got to do it my way."

"I understand.  You've had some bad experiences with men. "I've tried hard to think of ways to build trust with you, but I'm willing to do whatever you suggest."

"Now you don't have to do this. You can go home, and we can stay friends."

"No, I'm willing to go on," he said. She nodded her head.

"Come with me," she said.

Jan led Adam by the hand to her spare bedroom. Once inside the room, he was amazed at what he saw. There were little chairs and benches full of dolls and stuffed animals. On the table were a plastic teapot and cups with saucers.

"A tea party!" said Adam.

"Do you remember?" she said.

"Of course.  "How could I forget?"

"And are you willing to do what you used to do?" she said.

"You mean,"

"Yes," she said, opening the closet door. Hanging inside was a collection of dresses, with a large row of women's shoes along the floor.

His first inner reaction was to say 'no', but he decided that she must be really testing him to see if he was willing to do anything for her. He would do it just this once to pass her test.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

She opened a drawer in the white dresser by the wall. She pulled out a small stack of clothes with a pink disposable razor on top.

"Take a shower and shave your chest, underarms, and legs. You'll find some cream to put on to soothe the skin after shaving. Then put these on, and come back in here."

It was a lot to ask, and again, he almost said no. His inner male screamed 'no', but there was a part of him that was excited too. He hadn't worn girls' clothes since the last time they had a tea party, and it would almost be like reliving something wondrous from his childhood. But that was before he became sexually aware. Now it would be something kinky. But it was for Jan. He trusted her with all of his heart. He took the pile from her and walked down the hall to the shower.

After Adam toweled off, he felt the smooth skin on his legs and chest. He had a slight floral scent from the cream, but it did feel very good on his skin. He looked at the clothes she had given him. As a child, he had just worn a dress, not female undergarments. They felt strange and foreign, yet strangely exciting, as he put them on. He stared in the mirror and wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with this or not. If it weren't for Jan, he wouldn't ever do this. But he just decided to grin and bear it.

He wrapped a robe around himself and went back to the bedroom, where she had been making preparations. There was a dark blue dress laid out on the bed, along with several scary-looking things.

"This is a corset," she said. "Step into it, and I will lace it up in back for you."

He obeyed her and gasped as she pulled the strings tight. It squeezed his waist to make it look narrow and seemed to make his hips look wider in the process.

"It will take some time to get used to. But many women were forced to wear them during certain periods of history, and they lived through it. "So you'll adjust."

Next, she had two breast-shaped things that appeared to be made of silicon gel or some kind of soft rubber.

"Take off your bra." We'll need to apply a little glue first."

He didn't like the sound of that. It would mean that they were attached to him! But she undid the clasps in the back and had him turn around. A few drops of the special glue were added in the right place, and then she positioned them on his chest.

"Cup your hands around them until it dries," she said. He did so, feeling so powerless and weak, with big breasts protruding from his chest. They were flesh-colored and looked very real. They even had nipples sticking out from their ends. They were even bigger than Jan's own natural breasts. Adam's face started to turn red in embarrassment, but Jan ignored it.

"Okay, let go, babe."

He did, and he felt them jiggle from being released. But they stayed in place. He turned towards the mirror and could not believe that it looked like he had big breasts! She put the bra back on him, and it felt totally different now that the cups were filled with something to support him. The fake breasts had weight, just like the real ones. So the bra was pulled down instead of riding up on him like it had before. The straps on his shoulder dug in a little, now that they had to resist the downward pull of his breasts.

"Very good, Missy," she said, using the name that she had called him so long ago at the tea parties.

He looked up to her with wide eyes.

"You are Missy now," she said sternly. "You are a girl, as long as you have your boobs on. Do you understand, Missy?"

"Yes," said Adam.

"Good.  You need to think of yourself as a girl. You have boobs; you are going to wear a dress and become pretty. "You are Missy now."

"I am Missy. "I am a girl," he said. He didn't understand why he was so totally turned on at that moment.

Next, she had him step into the dress. It was dark enough blue that it almost looked black. It had a hemline just above the knees, but having not worn a dress since he was a young child, it felt like everyone would be able to look him up. It had a low-cut front, which allowed a peek at his boobs and the cleavage that they created on his chest.

"The dress size looks good, but we need to do something about that bulge in your front," she said. Jan had 'Missy' take the dress off and lay it out carefully on the bed.

"You don't want to get any wrinkles, do you?" she said.

Next, she pulled out a white thing from a bag. A maxi pad


"I know what it is," said Adam.

"I hoped you wouldn't need one, but put it on under your pants. You need some padding so you don't show the world what you have hiding between your legs."

She helped him put it on his pants, carefully positioning it to hide the bulge. Once in place, he looked much better. Now she gave him a pair of ecru pantyhose, which she showed him how to get into without causing a snag.

With those in place, the dress looked much better on him. He could still use better curves, but it was good enough to fool almost anyone.

"Sit over there at the lighted makeup mirror," she said. He did so, sitting the way she had taught him so long ago. He didn't protest as she applied the makeup to his face, completely changing his appearance. Red lips!  Mascara!  Frosted eyelids!  He could not believe what she was able to do.

She pulled out a box that contained a wig with long black hair. She put it on him and secured it in place. It swept over the side of her face a bit, giving her a really sexy look. The long hair and makeup made him almost unrecognizable, even to himself.

She added perfume, rings for his fingers, a bracelet, and a necklace. Then she added clip-on earrings. Just when he wondered if she could find something else to feminize, she started with his nails. She put on 'press-on' nails, carefully shaped them with a file, and began with the first of three coats of nail polish. When the last coat dried, a clear coat sealer was added.

Adam could not believe how it made his hands look, with the long nails and bright colors. He felt somehow ' special' to be so pretty all of a sudden, but it was also so intimidating! He was being constricted by a bra, pantyhose, and a corset; he was wrapped in a skirt. Long hair fell all around him. Every time he moved, he felt new sensations like the skirt brushing against the pantyhose, tickling his legs; the long hair brushing against the nape of his neck, or his breasts jiggling when he moved. No matter which way he turned, he was surrounded by femininity. and new smells of makeup, nail polish, and perfume. And sore feet from the narrow, pointy toes of the high heels that Jan had found for him.

He felt like he was being shown the inner sanctum—the secrets of beauty that only women knew. And now he was part of it himself. as a girl named 'Missy'.

Jan invited "Missy" over to the couch.

"You're so pretty, Missy," she said.

"Not half as pretty as you," replied Adam, trying a softer voice like Jan had suggested.

"I love your shoes, Missy. "Are they Prada?"

"You bought them! You should know!" said Adam.

"I'm just trying to show you how women talk to each other," said Jan. "You should thank me for asking, then find something to compliment me back on."


"Let's try it again." Why are those lovely shoes, Missy? "Are they Pradas?"

"No, they're hypes."

"They're so cute!"

"Thanks, Jan I love your hair today. "Did you do something different with it?"

"Why, thanks for noticing, Missy! "Yes, I just had it highlighted."

"It really brings out the glow in your face," said Adam.

"Excellent!  You make a great woman, Missy. You're catching on quickly. Now go to the kitchen and walk in here. "Pretend that you're just arriving."

Adam got up carefully (still adjusting to walking in heels) and went to the kitchen. He was forced to take a few steps because of the shoes. He pretended to knock, then came into the living room again.

"Missy, how wonderful to see you!" cooed Jan She went over to Adam and pretended to give him a kiss on each cheek.

"Why do you do that?" said Adam.

"Well, first of all, if two women kissed on the lips to greet each other, the men would all be way too excited. "I don't understand why men think two women kissing is hot, but they sure do."

"That's what I've heard," said Adam.

Jan smiled.  He was really getting into the role.

"And secondly, you have a light pink lipstick on. Mine is more of a crimson. If we kissed on the lips, you'd have dark smudges, and I'd have light ones. Both of us would have to fix our lipsticks. That's why we do that. "We show love and affection without any mess."

"That makes so much sense!" said Adam. He was learning things he had always wondered about. He let himself go and got into the role. There was nobody there but him and Jan. And if this is what it took to win her heart, it was well worth it. Perhaps she just wanted him to really understand women before they started a real relationship. He would continue on and learn all he could. What harm was there?

Jan continued to chat with 'Missy' and teach 'her' things about women that very few men dared to know, or cared to know for that matter. Jan worked on Missy's posture and movements to make them more graceful.

"Shoulders back, stick your boobs out! Spine straight!  "Do I have to make you walk with a book on your head for balance?"

"I'm trying!" said Adam. When you've been used to moving one way for your whole life, it is hard to suddenly start walking in a completely different manner. Bit by bit, he was getting better at it and catching on.

Adam was sitting on the couch with Jan, discussing some of the finer points of how women talked to each other when there was a knock at the door.

"Oh good, they're here," said Jan.

"They're here," said Adam. This wasn't good. Jan was expecting someone over. It was one thing to be a girl with just Jan, but to do it with someone else? Adam began to blush. He couldn't let someone else see him like this! He was dressed as a girl. A panic response set in, but before he could say anything or act, Jan opened the door, and in walked two gorgeous women.

One was a tall blond. She wore a red dress, which really showed off her legs and her large breasts. The other was a brunette with long, curly hair. She wasn't exactly flat-chested, but nothing as big as the blonde! She wore a black leather skirt, high-heeled boots that came up to her knees, and a tank top that had very thin straps. The outline of her nipples made it clear that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath.

"Missy, I'd like you to meet my friends. "This is Cheryl," she said, motioning to the blonde. "And this is Wendy."

"Hello, nice to meet you!" said Adam, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Hello, Missy," said Cheryl in a sultry voice that gave away her addiction to cigarettes.

"I've heard too much about you!" said Wendy, which gave Adam a real start. What exactly had Jan told Wendy about? About Adam?  About Missy, who didn't really exist? He shot a glance over to Jan.

"Come on, you slow poke, or we'll be late for our reservations," said Jan.

Adam was forced to run over, pick up the purse that Jan had set up for him, and run out the door with the other three. Three women and him are going out! Normally, that would have been a dream for a man. But to accompany them in public, dressed as a woman? more of a nightmare.

Everyone seemed to be talking at once as they rode in the car across town to the restaurant. Adam tried his best to keep up with the conversation, but women can really talk, and it was hard sometimes to get a word in edgewise.

He sat next to Jan in the back seat. She put her hand in his for a moment and gave it a squeeze as if to say, "It will be all right." He looked at her. His wide eyes betrayed the fear he had inside. He squeezed back hard.

The valet parked the car, and a young man opened the doors for them. Adam tried his best to look elegant getting out, but he didn't know how well he did. He almost forgot his purse and had to reach back in to get it. While he was leaning over, he could hear the two valets talking behind him.

"Check out the rear on that one! She's cute"

He was mortified. They thought he was a woman, and they thought he was cute. This was going to be a long night.

They ordered a bottle of wine almost as soon as they sat down. They shared an appetizer and then ordered their dinner. Adam decided to get what Jan was getting, so he didn't stand out by doing something out of place like ordering a big steak, which was his first impulse at such a nice place.

About halfway through dinner, he was getting at ease with Wendy and Cheryl. They seemed nice enough, and either they thought he was a woman, didn't know he was a man or didn't care. That allowed him to let himself go and once again get into the role. He looked at it as a learning experience, and he was picking up a lot of things now.

But the wine was kicking in.

"Excuse me, ladies, I have to use the restroom," he said.

"I'll go with you," said Wendy, which sent a chill down his spine. Why hadn't Jan rescued him? He didn't understand why women had to go in pairs to the bathroom. He didn't want to go with a knockout brunette dressed like that! He didn't want to let himself be turned on by her. He was trying to act ladylike tonight, for Jan's sake. He gave her a helpless look. She just smiled.

There was only a small line at the bathroom, and that gave Wendy time to chat with him.

"So Missy, Jan says you've known each other since you were little girls?"

"Yes.  I used to go over to her house and play. We would have tea parties with her dolls. But my parents moved away, so I hadn't seen her for years until recently."

"She's so sweet, isn't she?" said Wendy.

"Yes.  She is a wonderful person."

"That's not what I mean," said Wendy. Adam noticed that they were the only two women in the restroom now. Wendy walked over to the door and turned the knob to close the deadbolt.

"I mean, she is very pretty. Very luscious.  "Don't you just want to kiss her?" said Wendy.

"Yes, she is beautiful," said Adam, not sure what was going on.

"Did Jan tell you about me?" said Wendy.

"No," replied Adam. He wished she had!

"I'm not like most women. You see, I'm not attracted to men. only other women. If Jan wasn't straight, I'd make her mine in a flash. But what about you? Your big boobs are turning me on. I'm getting all wet just looking at them—your pretty face, your legs sticking out of that skirt—how about it, babe? "Want to get it on?"

Adam had never been propositioned before. He supposed that many women heard things all the time similar to this but from men. This Wendy really seemed to want him. She had him cornered by the wall and was walking closer and closer to him. Her lips were open like she wanted to be kissed. She was so gorgeous! Her boots, her skirt, her top—what a turn-on! But Adam turned away, pushed past her, and headed towards the door.

"Oh, Missy, don't leave! I didn't know you were straight! I saw the way you looked at Jan and how you held her hand in the back seat. I thought you were like me! The way you stared at my nipples, I thought you were one of us! I am so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"It's all right, Wendy; actually, it's kind of flattering," said Adam, trying not to make a scene out of it. He went into a stall and breathed a sigh of relief. Wendy undid the deadbolt and went into the next stall. He could see her pants pulled down in the next stall. He had to try hard not to think that if it wasn't for the metal wall between them, he would be able to see her naked crotch. He sat down to pee, then pretended to wipe himself when he heard her pulling off toilet paper. He didn't want to give his secret away.

When he got out of the stall, he went to wash his hands. Wendy was already drying off. She went to the mirror and checked her makeup. Adam did the same, touching up his lipstick.

"I love your color," he said. "It really brings out your eyes."

"Thank you, Missy!" said Wendy. "You have such a good eye for makeup. I love how you painted your face. "Are you a makeup artist?"

"No, but thank you for saying that," said Adam, blushing.

They walked back to the table and sat down, just as dessert was coming. Adam was about to discover how much women craved chocolate, even if they would then complain about the calories for the next day. That was why they ordered one brownie sundae for the table and shared it. They all got a taste, with only one-quarter of the guilt!

They all got back in the car, and Adam was scared about where they might go next. What if it was a dance club? He didn't want to be hit on by guys, plus he couldn't even dance well as a guy, let alone a woman in heels! His feet were already aching from being pinched. How could women wear shoes this uncomfortable?

He was relieved when he saw that they were heading off of the main street and into a residential section of town. But when they slowed down to park, he noticed that one house seemed to have a large number of cars already there.

"Is this some sort of party?" he said.

"Yes," replied Cheryl. "My friend Suzie is getting married tomorrow. "I told her I'd bring some more girls over for the bachelorette party."

They walked in the door, and there was much commotion as they were greeted by the other girls, who were all clearly buzzed from drinking. They were handed large glasses full of a cold green liquid. Wendy took a sip.

"Margaritas!" she pronounced. They all took a drink, and it was good. Adam took a big drink. He needed one at this point.

They were all given the name of a celebrity, but it was placed on their backs. Suzie read the rules.

"You are all celebrities tonight, but you don't know who you are. You have to ask questions to other people, which are 'yes or no' types. If you're wrong, you have to take a drink. You can only ask one question to each person, then move on. That way, everyone will get to meet each other."

"And get drunk!" said Cheryl, causing giggles everywhere.

"When you think you know who you are, come to me and ask. If you're wrong, you have to take a Jell-O shot. Okay, girls, get going! "The first one to guess who she is wins this prize," she said, holding up a white box with a pink bow on it.

A short blonde came up to Adam.

"Hi, I'm Cathy," she said.

"I'm Missy.  Nice to meet you, Cathy. I love your shoes."

He was getting good at being a girl.

"Let's see, am I a man or a woman?" said Cathy as Adam glanced at the name tag.

"You're a man," replied Adam.

"Hey, it has to be yes or no!" said someone, butting in.

"Sorry," said Cathy.

"My turn," said Adam. "Am I a man?"

"No, you're a woman. And you were wrong, so you have to take a drink."

Adam went around and met a dozen of the party guests this way. So far, he has discovered that, for purposes of the game, he was a woman who sang country music; he was blonde and tall.

"Do I have a prominent feature?" he asked one girl.

"Oh yes, you do! They're huge!" she said.

"Do I have big boobs?" he asked another. The answer was a definite yes. That gave him the final piece of the puzzle. He went to find Suzie.

"Am I Dolly Parton?" he asked.

"Hey everyone, we have a winner!" yelled Suzie. She handed the white box to Adam. He carefully slid the bow off the box, as he had seen his mother and sister do when they got gifts. He opened the top and pulled his prize out to show everybody. It was a very realistic-looking vibrator.

There are lots of oohs and ahs.

"I wish my guy was built like that!" said one girl.

"Yeah, but does he run on batteries?" replied another.

"You'll have some fun with that tonight!"

"I'm sure," said Adam.

They all laughed and drank for a while until the next game started. They all had to tell a story about the first time they kissed a guy. Then the group would vote if it was true or a lie. If the storyteller fooled the group, they all had to drink. If the group guessed right, then the storyteller had to take a shot.

Adam made the mistake of sitting next to Suzie, so he had to go after she did! The spotlight was on him, and he had to make up a story on his feet.

"I was in fifth grade," he lied. "This guy named Adam thought I was cute, so one day on the playground, he ran up to me when I wasn't looking and kissed me on the lips. I was so mad that I turned around and slapped him in the face. He fell to the ground and started crying. I wondered, "Whatever happened to him?"

The crowd voted "true" for the story. Adam didn't want them to know the truth—that he really was a guy—so the fewer questions, the better. He did a Jell-O shot, and everyone applauded. He was able to keep to the sidelines and keep the attention off himself. So much the better!

Things were going well, and the game was winding down when there was a knock on the door. The entertainment had arrived. a male stripper.

Adam wanted to run away. But he was trapped. He looked over to Jan, who just sat there and smiled. It was terrible for him to have to sit there and watch him take his clothes off and do a sexy dance in front of him and the girls. He tried not to act too differently than they did, and he was glad that he was near Wendy, who also had no interest in him.

"They should have gotten a female stripper," she said. Adam giggled.

After that, things weren't too bad. Everyone had had enough of playing games and just wanted to talk. Everyone was so nice to him, and he was surprised at how different it was from hanging around with me. With guys, activities like watching football or playing cards are the main reasons to get together. For women, they are just an excuse to talk. And with guys who don't know each other, you can't just sit there and start talking like old friends. But not so for women! Within fifteen minutes, he had three new friends. Meeting women was very easy if you were a woman yourself.

It was getting late, and everyone was tired. Adam piled in the car with Jan, Wendy, and Cheryl. They drove back to Jan's place and were dropped off.

"Drive safe now," said Jan.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Good night!"

They waved goodbye to the girls as they drove off.

"Your friends are very nice," said Adam as they went into Jan's door. "But Wendy..."

"Did she make a pass at you? I was afraid that she might."

"Yes, she did. It was awful."

"Now you know how we feel, getting hit on all the time."

"I will never do anything like that again!" he said. "And hopefully, I won't have to, because I will be with the one I love and not need to find a woman."

It was really the first time since he had "become" Missy that he was talking in his own voice, like a man. He sat next to Jan on the couch, and they looked into each other's eyes.

"Adam, you are the bravest man I've ever known. Tonight was a test for you, and you passed it. After being with controlling and abusive men, I gave up altogether. I dated Wendy for a few months, but I realized that it wasn't right for me. I do want a man. I feel attracted only to a man's body. But he has to be something different from most men. He has to have a strong feminine side. He has to be able to communicate with me, to understand my feelings, and to think the way I do. He has to be gentle and loving. And he has to be willing to let me change him. And you are all these things."

"I love you, Jan, and I would do anything to be with you," he replied.

"If you are with me, I am going to want to cultivate your feminine side." I am going to make it develop and grow. Tonight was just a small taste of that. Can you live with the fact that you'll be yourself most of the time, but at least one night a week, you will have to be Missy? Can you live knowing that I want to change you and make you more and more feminine inside? Can you live with the fact that when I'm done with you, you'll think like a woman and want to be pretty and wear dresses? "Do you understand that being with me means that you're submitting completely to me?"

Adam nodded his head.

"So you're willing to be Missy? You're willing to wear a dress whenever I ask you to? You're willing to let me grow your feminine side until you're more woman than man inside?"

"Yes, anything," said Adam.

"What if I told you that I wanted you to take estrogen pills sometimes so you could start altering your brain chemistry?"

"I would do it," he said.

She reached into her purse, pulled out a white bottle, and removed a pill. It was oval and white. She handed it to Adam.

"This is the female sex hormone estrogen. Even men have a small amount of it in their bodies. If you take this, it will send chemical messages to your cells. It will slightly alter your brain chemistry. It will tell your breast tissue to start growing. Too much of it would interrupt your male sexual organs from functioning properly. But for now, I will keep the dosage low enough not to affect it."

Adam nodded his head.

"You have two choices. You can leave right now, go home, and never see me again. Or you can take the pill and begin your transition to womanhood. You took a big first step today already, but it's nothing compared to what we'll do together. Once the estrogen hits your brain and I begin working on you, it will only be a matter of time before you truly believe you are Missy. Adam will be your body's legal name, but your inner self will be female. I will make you a girl inside, completely. You will be completely immersed in femininity. I will unleash the woman within you. You won't even remember that you were ever a man."

She got up and poured a glass of water. She handed the cup to Adam, who accepted it with a trembling hand.

"So what is going to be? Do you value your precious manhood? Or do you want me? Do you want to stay as you are, or are you willing to become a girl? "Are you going to be Adam or Missy?"

Adam put the pill in his mouth and took a deep drink until all the water was gone.

"Oh, Missy, you've made me so happy!" said Jan, who went over and gave Missy a real kiss.

"Wow," said Missy.

"You're tired," said Jan. "Why don't you spend the night?" I have an extra nightie for you to put on, and you can come to bed with me. But we won't have sex until you really believe inside that you're a girl. "I'll start working on you as you drift off to sleep tonight, whispering in your ear, planting memories of when you were a little girl."

"That sounds wonderful," said Missy.

Jan smiled.  Her lifelong dream had finally come true. She had found a man who was willing to become a girl for her.

"I love you," she said. "From now on, you're a girl. My girl."

"I am your girl," said Missy. "Now and forever."

The End..... ?



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