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Ello Ello! Let’s see what’s been happening. 

(But before! Please take a look at my previous text post about the upcoming new Request Tiers! If you haven’t yet :3)

I got quite a bit done at first half of this month. Managing to finish a couple comms and the Fanart poll winner. Theeeeeen shit hit the fan and I went to the hospital for surgery. Had to get my appendix removed and that was the biggest medical ordeal of my life. (No bills thankfully) So I was pretty out of it for the second half of the month. Only getting to work on one pic. Although, while recovering, being able to take a decent break from art/ comms really mellowed me out. Got to finish a couple games too.

Still not fully recovered but I’m able to do my daily tasks and work on art again. Starting this week, things will be back to full swing.

And Sooner, if not Later, I’ll make those Request Tiers! I’m both eager and skeptic on how those will go. I’ve already made the separate Twitter account to stay in contact will y’all and I found out I can message the people who pledge to those tiers. So stay tuned for One More Update when those Tiers go live. 

THANK YOU for your patience! See ya then! 👋