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Hey all! I would like to show off some example of potential request drawings for the new Tiers that I’ll be introducing.

Now, to reiterate, I was thinking of adding two new request tiers. Sketch requests for $25 and colored requests for $45 (lined, colored, and cel shaded).

Each of them would have 4 slots each. If I’m able to fulfill these requests I’ll think about adding more slots.

Now, to get in contact with you who decide to pledge to these Tiers, I need to think of which platform will be more helpful. Twitter DMs is the simplest ways to stay in contact, but my DMs are still full of potential comms from others and is a little unorganized . (I might make a new Twitter account just for Patreon requests now thinking about it 🤔). Alternatively, Discord DMs could work. I don’t have it in me to host a full Server or have nearly enough mutuals willing to be mods. So I was thinking of normal Discord DMs with my own account. Instead of giving out my own Discord ID, I’ll ask you to tell me yours and I’ll send you a message.

It’ll be tough to figure it out but I might use both methods. This is all to avoid using Patreon’s messaging system, y’know? It ain’t great. TELL ME WHAT DO YOU GUYS PREFER!

So this was my Pre-Monthy Update before I put this plan in motion. I hope all who are interested are ready to test out the waters with me. Will try my best to get these new tiers up and running by next week.

If y’all have questions, concerns, or solutions, please let me know by replying to this. THANK YOU!


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