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Hello everyone. We have been pretty productive this last month, getting 9 comic pages done and we are on track to hopefully finish the comic by the end of December which will then have weekly released public releases into roughly the end of February. 

We'll wiggle in different smaller pieces while I finish the comic. Once the comic is complete we'll figure out what I am doing next. Could be another comic or another reference set. I do have some reasonable ideas for the comic. Like... : Nicole origin (earliest in comic timeline), various different character introduction pieces. After some of those are done we can start doing more pieces where characters interact.

Maybe figure out wiggling in some setting references talking about different regions, like the Saurian March and the Dystop Peninsula or economic interaction with the wider world. (which will include a nuclear/fallout region because the economics led to a nuclear attack on the manatear. Oopsies.)


SRRO sponsor tier patrons, I will start collecting your prompts soon. I am going to give it a couple days for the majority of you to enter the "benefit" tracker inside patreon.


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