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AHA haha...haaaha, frick. that is not sustainable.  I did 8 full pieces, 1 sketch of defeat. I almost did everyone's but the last one for Radian fell off the end. Clown TF is probably a thing at some point but it has yet to get real attention, but it's certainly a thing.

for 11 hours that is a good deal of work.

In order. Caw(December roadrunnered), Fallout(Coolest bird.), Koda/Xitu(Trashpanda and wahpanda.), Slate/Schickon(Shale Flourishing), Project/Asher/Groo(Turkey day), RustyPanda(Nicole hargrave'd), Shaytalis(Nicole), SL1/Narysa(daisy), and the defeated Radian with a neglected eddy contemplating his clown status.




Thanks for the sketch at least!


these look great!