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Lets do some plotting! This will be a process until I figure it out completely, and I will wait until all of the payments are processed before I look into starting it properly. Patreon is still chewing through the list of transactions. (with a side of people needing to slap the system to make the transaction happen.)

I will be looking to contact every person on the sponsor tier, probably using the patreon message tool initially. We'll be figuring out if you have an idea already or need time to muse over it or what have you.

Same subject restrictions of subject matter as my normal commissions. You'll be able to request art of sfw or nsfw which I'll eventually post in a batch once they are all done. Probably redundantly unto twitter unless requested to not.

So the intent is that I will at least spend 30'ish minutes of proper effort per sketch.

The intended scale is a single character, but if you don't take a sketch this month I will allow the sketch budget to move forward and be used later when you have more relative value allocate into either a more complete piece or more characters.

I intend to get the sketches done before the month is out, but even if I miss that I'll make sure you maintain your owed sketch. We'll do this for at least until the end of the year to get a feeling for how it is working, where changes in process or price point may happen as the realties of the process make themselves apparent.


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