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Howdy everyone! I slightly changed up how things work.

Tiers 1 and 2, wayfinder and pencil pusher, are identical. the second tier is just a handy way to send slightly more money if you wanted to.

Tier 3, Wayfinder, currently is identical to 1 and 2 but may gain something in the future, should it be applicable.

Tier 4, the $20 tier, is where we actually have a change. Tier 4 provides an art budget for sketch requests that can be whatever probably. I will wait until the $20 tick happens for the first time before I poke you for a request that can be sfw, or nsfw, your own characters or mine. And If you are uncertain what you'd want when it ticks for the first time I will let it accrue forward for at least 3 months, letting you do whatever with it.

Also I made some nice art for the tiers that are represented in order...

Chaujen, Wayfinder, runs around and checks travel routes in the in-between population centers.
Sean, Pencil pusher, SRRO turns out to need a bureaucracy to function, he is a humble member of this machine.
Sydney, Wilds Warden,  SRRO sometimes needs to use pointy sticks to solve problems, Sydney is one such wielder of such pointy sticks.
Blossom, Sponsor, one of those annoying business owners that would prefer their society untaken over by wild monsters. So at least they don't have full capitalism brain. They will however do that anime laugh at you though.



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