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Y'know. Despite sketching being my least favorite part of the process, it's all I seem to really do anymore. Just not a lot of energy for finishing stuff as of late.






Torn tights and a buttplug? Sweet.


Sketches are still awesome and sexy! Also, your poses are so dynamic and alive. They make for great references, even if they're not finished pictures. :D


Honestly I love seeing your sketchwork. It's as characterful as your finished work in a lot of ways, and really shows off how dynamic your illustrations are.


I love your sketches! Really fun ideas and poses.

Junk Food King

Really loving all of these; the fish-eye Riley ones are really cool!

Justin Wood

As others have said, even sketches are good, and as for not having a lot of energy, hopefully you're getting decent sleep, fresh air, good food, all that.


These are all a real treat! Sketches can be fun as just sketches, no need to worry about "finishing" any particular piece. It can be sort of an arbitrary cutoff anyway. I especially love the little scenario with Michiru going for the phone! So cute! I also really enjoy the fish-eye perspective Riley sketches - fun!


Would absolutely nominate #2 as a priority to finish. Me likey.


I see Courtney =3