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I still haven't watched The Great Pretender, but Abby is too fucking cute for me to not draw.

I did not intend for the first pic to be a kinda peeing fetish piece, it just sort of evolved into it as I drew the pose? I'm not 100% on it yet myself, so let me know if it's too out of whack with my usual stuff.

I'll probably do one or two more of her as warmups. I may even finish a few. For once, lol.




I'm into it, so... looks great to me! The upside-down pose too! Always love seeing a new petite girl in your style!

Ron Edens

She looks great. Not onto watersports myself.




Can't say I expected a peeing pic from you. That said, I'm more than fine with seeing more, in the future. ;D


You should watch The Great Pretender, it's good and you'll get to see more of Abby and her personality! Also, those pictures look fantastic so far, hope to see more pictures of her later!


I'm personally fine with both of these pieces. They're both great poses and the way you draw Abby is really cute.


Wonderful work, as always! Nothing out of whack about a cute, candid, human moment! Her grogginess reminds me of that piece you did some time ago of Amanda sleepily putting on her boots! Love that dynamic pose against the wall in the latter WIP, I've never seen anything quite like that before. Fitting for your style, keep on it! 😊


Iunno. Explain away the peeing bit with "she's an ex-militant and probably learned to/did it all the time when out in the boonies"? Less fetish, and more a part of her blunt, utterly unapologetic, utterly tactless character? It's just who she is, man. End of the day, if it fits, it ships; it fits her character, so I say: ship it.

McLaren 302

Abby is such a cute character that I had to come up with my own Iraqi OC that is based off of her design. With some changes of course.


Peeing is one of those fetishes that I think is pretty natural. I wouldn't mind more.