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Hello everyone! 

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post - and I'm sorry that it's been so long since we uploaded an edited video. The majority of our output has shifted to livestreams, either interviews or language classes, since the pandemic hit. Partly that's because I just don't have time to research or edit videos right now - all three children are at home, and with the current health concerns we're just not happy sending them to daycare or camp. I'm also 35 weeks pregnant, which means that I'm napping every chance I get!!

As well as all of that, we're working on some exciting, non-YouTube projects. Josh has just completed the draft manuscript of his next book, which focuses on scribal education and the role of prayer in Mesopotamia! I'm partway through editing that, and we hope to have it available for sale by the end of the summer.  We're also in the process of writing a book proposal for a London publisher on the history of the Assyrian empire, which - all things going to plan - should be finished by October 2021. I'm doing some voice work for a brand new YouTube channel, DTTV - History Answers, and Josh and I will also be involved in a Mesopotamian documentary series on there sometime in the next year. Finally, I'm working with the H.A.P.S. board of directors to develop and implement a new initiative, aimed at helping Black undergraduate students to attend professional conferences, to run alongside our summer research grant.

All that is to say that we are working hard...just not at making videos. I honestly can't say for sure when things will return to normal. We have no idea what the kids' schooling will look like in the autumn, and the likelihood is that I'll be caring for Oliver and Hammurbabi full-time, as well as adapting to whatever learning requirements the older two have. Long story short, I won't be able to devote 3-4 hours a day to research, scripts, and video editing. 

This means that many of your benefits won't be fulfilled. If I'm not researching videos, then I won't be collecting video topic ideas, or giving you the opportunity to vote on what we cover with our uploads. If anyone feels that there money would be better spent elsewhere, then we both completely understand, and thank you so much for your support up until this point. For those who wish to continue supporting us regardless, then we will do our best to keep bringing you interesting and stimulating interviews, and other videos as and when our time allows us to do so. 

As ever, I'd love to hear from you! If you have comments or suggestions, please leave them below. If you have ideas for benefits that you'd like to see (and that are more feasible given our limited free time!), then let me know and we will try our best to fulfill your requests.

Thank you so much, and I hope that everyone is keeping safe and healthy.




Glad to help. With the current COVID situation many people are looking for content to distract (and hopefully educate) themselves, so why not teach them something factual. Love your work 😊👍