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Hello, everyone! Another big fat letter coming right up, so I'll just use a teeny tiny bit of your time.
If you haven't noticed yet, the v0.42d, our next major update featuring Chapter 3 is out right now!
👉Click here for more details!👈
If you are one of the early birds, we've already fixed some bugs so it's better for you to redownload to avoid those issues.

Also, some part of the following letter contain GRADUAL SPOILERS for the story so far and beyond.
I'll give you a warning when it's happening so you can close your eyes and scroll down if you want to.

That's all from me! As always, thank you so much for your support, and we hope to bring you more exciting content in the future development.
WIthout further ado, here's that long paragraph from our producer. Have fun!

簡單提醒一下,最新的大型更新 v0.42d 已經推出囉!可以進入第三階段了!




Hi everyone. Today I would like to talk about what happened during this update interval, what issues we have encountered, and about the concept about our working title.

First of all, I want to apologize once more for postponing again and again.
I understand that a lot of people want to experience the whole game. Even I myself want to see the end of the tunnel as well.
Spending too much time in one single project is extremely exhausting, and for a 3-person non-professional team, it's really difficult to create an above-average RPG, both visually and battle-wise.
While we have our ups and downs during the development, the hardest part for us has always been keeping our beloved fans holding their fingers and waiting, maybe even feeling dissappointed.

Although Ason, in paper, is a 5-person team, everyone has their own specialty and workload. For Cursed Blacksmith, I'm the producer and programmer, and I have an animator who now has to work on stage design and vfxs as well.
We kept saying about having enough donations shall let us work full-time on game developing, but truth is, both of us have already been working on this title for almost 1 year.
Our animator has had a back problem a long time ago, and myself too these months. I guess that's what happens when you sit in front of a computer desk 10+ hours a day.
That being said, this doesn't help much to our productivity. As long as I insist on the quality for Cursed Blacksmith, it will be harder to speed up our development for the number of people working right now.
We have been searching for more members, such as someone exclusively responsible for stage designs, but due to the complexity for this project, it will take time to get them used to our codes and ideas.

I once thought to myself. "Why not make the game easier and just ship it?"
Why not spend more resources on animations and make it a visual cash grab? Being stuck in game designs, stories etc. is just inefficient and possibly inprofitable.
And that is where all you generous supporters came in.
Even though Cage of Succubus, my previous work, was even more low-budget and kind of lack of NSFW content, seeing a lot of players praising the details in the story rather than a simple meet and F game makes my day everyday.

I admire many game creators on DLSite. They make "useful" illustrations, sure, but they also pour their passion onto story and gameplay, which is what I want to achieve as well.
And so, I am truly grateful for all of you who are liking Cursed Blacksmith so far. It is a great confidence boost to me and my team.
I don't know if I'll continue making such complicated games. Maybe I'll make some simple games as a break after this project is done. RPG Maker was how I get into developing games and I am eternally in debt to it, but good GOD is this tool so inconvenient for our current project.
Nevertheless, it is my life goal to make one game I will never regret putting my heart into, and I will keep working toward this goal.

Okay, enough of myself. Let's talk about the development so far and beyond.

Last year, when we completed with the development of Chapter 1, we knew that most players aren't familiar with the "Mystery Dungeon" genre.
Although some of you are experienced explorers,  a tutorial revamp is totally needed for the uninitiated.
After that, we made a free trial on Steam and DLSite in order to get more feedbacks from first-time players. This is really time-consuming, even development-hindering I must say, but it's necessary for a rather complicate game like Cursed Blacksmith to explain the system step by step.
By the way, thank you all so much for the comments. We are constantly reading them one by one!

Of course, this is all just a beginning.
Cursed Blacksmith works around smithing your own weapons, which is a system filled with random generations. It can be full of surprise, as well as uncertain.
At first, I hoped players can find it fun to play with different weapons and skills, and through the process find a way to beat the boss.

The first boss of the game, Cursed Armor, might not be that difficult to overcome with skills.
You can just smash its body repeatedly with some high-attack weapons, or even mash D and let your Cursed Sword do all the work.

However, we always think of the Cursed Sword as a last resort.
We hope players can take advantage of whatever skills they have and get the upper hand.
Cursed Blacksmith is more of a "Strategic" game, so having only one tactic usually won't get you too far.
With more than 100 skills planning ahead, we can't have the enemies be easily beaten with just normal attacks. Otherwise we might just remove the whole feature.


That's why our boss for Chapter 2, Oopart, is all about understanding and discovering weapon skills, as well as challenging players with their positioning, ranged attacks, item throwing and so on.
We admit it is quite hard, and we're happy to already hear some success attempts.
However, most of the feedbacks state that this is way too hard. Some doped over 10 bottles of Soul Drop to finally make it.
This is certainly not what we want to see, as players might experience pain rather than improvement throughout the failed attempts.
We are responsible for not providing enough explanation in time, such as more entries on the Forging Journal.
Please allow me to give you some ways you can battle through Oopart.

A certain hammer can keep its head burning. Isn't that satisfying just to see all the numbers flying all the time?

With skills like Flame Arrow, you can break one of its leg within short turns. Combining this with your forest wildfire, defeating Oopart should be relatively easier.

Every turn counts, so positioning skills that move you 2 to 4 tiles ahead in one turn are very crucial to this kind of situation, not only to the boss, but also to your ordinary dungeon crawling, helping you getting out of the mess.

We mentioned item throwing just above, but there's more than throwing potions.
Materials with higher attributes or weight, near-broken weapons... Everything can be your projectile.
Also, if you manage to survive through the first phase, do look for the Horizon Light for assistance.
All of the above methods don't include special skills like Maid's Uchigatana's Instant Strike. We have prepared several ways for players to conquer the boss without having to farm for rare weapons.

Remember when we promised to create a challenging while variety-rich game? This is why we have to make it necessary to utilize all your abilities to barely survive.
No triumph in this game should be easy, and our protagonist should be heavily injured after every obstacle overcame. You can say it's our theme.
In the future, we will implement an easy mode for players who find themselves less comfortable with the combat. But if you don't explore more about the mechanics and bosses' patterns, going through the stages will naturally be frustrating.
We believe through numerous testing that after understanding the meaning behind the mechanics, players will have a rather fun time learning.

With all that being said, it is never the players to be blamed.
We intentionally exclude some of the instructions fearing giving out too much will break the immersion, which is a pretty difficult part in game design.
We decided to leave some of the hints inside the Forging Journal and, after this update, some of the memories you can get throughout your adventure, as well as some of the stage designs.
Still, unlike action games, players can't make up for their lack of preparation with their actual skills or reaction time.
Whatever the case, in the next updates we will try to make this boss more managable while not nerfing it too much, such as making it more possible to obtain certain skills or hinting certain attack methods.

On a completely unrelated note, this big guy took me a ton of time to make.
I don't even want to talk about how much pain it took me to make players viewable behind its legs.

We mentioned in the update log about the buffs on scraps. Now you won't need to keep farming heavy materials in order to make weapons. Furthermore, scraps can now inherit better skills than before.
I hope this gameplay tweak can keep you curious in this creation loop where you can make stronger and stronger weapons and accessories.

Oh yeah, this boomerang is a new weapon, and it's so cool and so hard to make as well. It's both useful in damage and utility. I wonder if anyone made one of these?

Another reason why this update took this long is due to the background element we want to implement in order to achieve better storytelling.
This one has been in my mind since the start, but I didn't know it was this hard to execute.
Even though we have the knowledge and technology to create H-scenes, the other parts in the scenario require new assets from the ground. Not to mention the ability to destroy said scenery. The whole code in RPG Maker needed to be rewritten.

I'm not going to say this is some epic AAA map, but I'm very proud that we can pull it off, considering our manpower.
These 10K-tile maps were literally killing me.

I know that breaking the environment isn't everyone's thing, but for this mechanic to work without serious hiccups, I tried dozens of times programming differently.
Now I'm just happy that this turned out fine. After this we should just be worrying about map designs.

When I say "serious hiccups," I say it knowing that there are some visually weird parts.
This is yet another programming issue to overcome, and I might need to add something more to fit the battle system to these maps... But that's going to be another story.

I can't wait to show you what all of these maps represent in the story. Let's just hope everything can go smoothly from here on out.

OK, time for another sneak peek!

Now who's this babe coming next to the Safehouse? Man she's huge.
We understand the deadline is crawling closer and closer, and we've spent too much time learning and troubleshooting.
We will still proceed to complete the game without sacrificing our original concept. The game might eventually be delayed; people might blame us, but I'll be more relieved with this way than sending out something I wouldn't like.
With that said, I want to stress again that if you have financial issues or think we are taking it too damn long, please do not feel obliged to donate at all.
We fully understand your reasons, and we sincerely thank you for all your support, donations or not.
I just want to say that I have been pouring my life on Cursed Blacksmith, and it's all because of your generous support that I can still make this game while having a decent meal.
Maybe one day I can feed all of my members, who knows.

After a small break, we will soon resume our development, including some small updates filling up settings and hints, as well as more Monster Girls to come!
Until then, please stay safe and healthy, and we will see you next time!







也許這次過後不論成敗,大概會做些比較簡單的遊戲當作調養吧,同時我也有點受夠Rpg Maker編輯器的一些不方便了,畢竟他並不是個適合做這種專案的工具,不過我仍然感謝Rpg Maker,因為它讓我學會做遊戲。













不過我們深知這一切不是玩家的問題,是我們沒有將指引做好,當然這部份也是遊戲設計上極為困難的一件事,如同Dark souls這種遊戲也並沒有給玩家太多提示,以我們這種風格的遊戲來說,過於囉唆的提示會破壞氣氛,設計起來也相當花費精力。
但我們遊戲類型終究與動作遊戲的Dark souls不同,無法依靠反應力來彌補戰前準備的不足,在策略層面也不能只依靠玩家自行發覺。




這個想法一開始就已經有了,不過在實行起來才發現沒有想像中的容易,我們雖然有能夠做「Hgame」的知識與技術,但要營造我們劇本中專用的場景,很多素材都必須自己創造,甚至為了讓地形「破壞」系統能夠在相應的場景設計上正常,也幾乎改變了Rpg maker本身的地圖code。











The new levels are really fun! I especially liked the transition between the forest dungeon and the desolate battlefield area. You guys are all doing an outstanding job!


Thank you for the compliment! We actually are considering more transition tricks, but are unable to pull it out this time. It should be different in time :D


辛苦了,感谢你们的付出。 我小时候很喜欢玩pokemon不可思议迷宫,而且一直很想玩一款有锻造要素的游戏。(因为小时候一直觉得锻造师好帅啊ww) 能够发现你们制作的这款游戏真的蛮开心的,虽然我个人不怎么看h,但是仅凭游戏的玩法也简单的吸引住了我。 像其他人说的,有不少随意做点难度项目就“卖cg”的,这样确实可能会赚的快,但是游戏性太低,正因为有像你们这些努力创作制造游戏性的作者们在,才能够玩到更多的出色游戏。 不得不说r18开关真棒ww 我也不太会说话,只是想到什么说点什么,可能有些地方会冒犯到人但是真的不是故意的,只是我还不够成熟没意识到,望多包涵。 总而言之,感谢你们,愿以后你们能继续创造优质内容。 还有一定要多注意身体!!!!!