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Chapter 2455: Extra - These Are Just Small Scenes

The students naturally noticed the danger here, fearing that Senior Yan and Mengmeng would be pushed off the bridge. However, they also worried that rushing in would worsen the situation. So, they stood at the entrance of the corridor, blocking others from coming this way along with the teahouse staff.

Shu Yu's gaze fell on Pan Senior Brother at the outermost circle and shouted, "Pan Yi, catch!"

She acted swiftly and accurately, and Pan Yi caught it and immediately ran upstairs.

Others followed suit, and luckily, at this moment, the teahouse owner had sent guards over. Half of them maintained order and safety in the lake's center, with a few even in the water, fearing for the newly appointed little county princess's safety. They reached out their hands underwater just in case.

The other half protected Pan Yi. Pan Yi originally wanted to run directly back to his own private room, but the guards led him in the opposite direction.

In this situation, he had no choice but to follow.

Everyone rushed after Pan Yi. With Mengmeng's companions all gone, Shu Yu finally reached her.

The young girl still seemed a bit dazed. When she saw Shu Yu, she immediately extended her hand, looking distressed. "Mother."

Shu Yu hugged her. "Were you scared?"

Mengmeng remained silent.

Shu Yu looked at Dou Dou and Huohuo, who were small in stature but had been standing in front of Mengmeng the whole time. She patted their heads. "Were you two scared?"

Both of them shook their heads quickly. "No, this is just a small scene."

Shu Yu sighed. "You guys are really experienced."

She smiled and said to Senior Qiao and the others, "Let's go back to our private room."

"Yes, Master."

They turned to leave, but unexpectedly, there were still many people on the platform. They respectfully bowed and greeted Shu Yu, "County Princess, we were wondering..."

Shu Yu raised her hand. "I know you all have many questions, but my daughter was frightened just now, so I need to take her back. We can talk later, alright?"

The crowd looked at Mengmeng, who had her head buried in Shu Yu's arms, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped back a few steps, maintaining their decorum.

"County Princess, please forgive our rudeness earlier. We caused your daughter to be frightened."

Shu Yu nodded slightly, holding her daughter and leading the others past them, walking quickly out of the lake center.

As soon as they left the corridor, they saw Xiao Shi anxiously standing there. When they got closer, he quickly looked at her son and, seeing that Dou Dou was fine, immediately looked up and asked Shu Yu, "How is Meng Meng?"

"Let's talk about it after we get back."

"Okay, okay."

Xiao Shi held Dou Dou's hand with one hand and Huohuo's hand with the other, walking quickly behind Shu Yu, heading back to the private room.

Some of the scholars from Zhenglu Academy followed Pan Yi, while others remained in place. At this moment, they were protecting Shu Yu and the others, escorting them to the second floor.

After entering the private room, Senior Yan and the others, despite having many questions, restrained themselves and stood outside the door, guarding it.

Shu Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. The scene just now had really scared her. At that time, she almost lost hold of Mengmeng, and they were on the verge of being pushed into the water.

Although they were safe now, the memory of that moment still haunted her, and she was still a little frightened.

She lowered her head to look at Mengmeng, who was not speaking, but her lips were tightly pursed, indicating her anger.

Shu Yu was relieved. That's good, she wasn't too scared.

Xiao Shi asked her in a low voice, "Meng Meng, why aren't she talking? Is she still in shock?"

Shu Yu shook her head. "Ask her yourself."


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