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Chapter 2454 Extra - Fans Like Wolves

As soon as Shu Yu heard what Mengmeng said, she smacked her forehead hard.

It was over; Ah Yun's secret identity was completely exposed.

She never expected that Meng Yunzheng had hidden this alias for so long and that her own daughter would reveal it. That painting and the seal were both the result of his indulgence in letting his daughter play with them.

The situation was not looking good. She turned to Ying Xi and said, "Let's go, get Mengmeng out of here first."

However, it was too late. Some quick-witted people quickly connected the dots to the first painting that Senior Brother Qiao had taken out earlier.

The little girl had said at the time that it was her father who had painted it.

Wasn't her father the Mountain Dweller Scholar?

No wonder, no wonder the painting was so magnificent and extraordinary.

Soon, someone's enthusiastic gaze fell on the little bunny backpack on Meng Meng's back. The first painting must have been taken out from the backpack.

That person reached out towards Meng Meng's backpack.

Fortunately, even though Senior Brother Qiao and Senior Brother Yan were deeply shaken by the revelation that the Mountain Dweller Scholar was actually Meng Yunzheng, they still instinctively reacted.

Seeing someone reaching out towards Mengmeng, they immediately stood in front of her, with one of them blocking and the other one lifting Meng Meng up.

"What are you doing? You scared the child."

Everyone present were scholars, and the person who had reached out quickly realized his mistake and hurriedly apologized. However, his tone was urgent as he said, "My apologies, I acted rashly. I did not intend any harm to Little Miss Meng. It's just that the first painting Little Miss Meng took out from her backpack was too magnificent, and it was painted by the Mountain Dweller Scholar. Since four years ago, after those two paintings on the second floor of the Luji Shop, Master Shanju has not produced any works. I couldn't help but want to see Master Shanju's artwork again."

He didn't say anything at first, but as soon as he did, others also chimed in.

"Yes, my friend, could you please take out Master Shanju's paintings for us to admire?"

"Friend, please do us a favor."

More and more people crowded around, and even though Senior Brother Qiao and Senior Brother Yan tried their best to resist, repeatedly emphasizing that the paintings were not their own, they were outnumbered.

Not only did they have to protect Mengmeng, but they also had Huohuo and Dou Dou with them.

This was the center of the lake, and there was nowhere to hide.

Senior Brother Yan shouted anxiously, "Stop pushing this way; someone might fall."

The people in front stopped since it didn't seem suitable to move forward, but those behind didn't know. They were afraid that if they didn't get to see the Mountain-Dwelling Scholar's artwork, they might miss their chance, so one after another, they kept coming over.

Just when Senior Brother Yan was sweating profusely and almost lost his footing, Ying Xi, who had been observing the situation, suddenly stepped forward and pulled someone back.

Then she said to Senior Brother Qiao, "Give me the young miss's backpack."

"Okay." Senior Brother Qiao quickly handed over Mengmeng's little bunny backpack to Ying Xi.

Ying Xi raised his hand and flung it forcefully.

The backpack flew into Shu Yu's hands, and everyone's gaze followed the backpack as it changed direction.

Those closer to Shu Yu hurriedly walked over, while the others turned around. Finally, Senior Brother Yan and the others could breathe a sigh of relief.

Shu Yu narrowed her eyes, holding the backpack high, and looked at the students from Zenglu Academy on the opposite bridge.


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