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Chapter 2432: Extra - A fruitless Trip

Mengmeng held one of HuoHuo's hands and one of Song Le's hands, with a backpack on her back, and confidently walked out of the room.

Shu Yu muttered to herself as she followed behind, wondering what awaited them.

However, when they descended the stairs, they were met with a group of students from the Zenglu Academy entering through the door.

These students were filled with righteous indignation. "Little Mengmeng, we heard you were bullied? Are you okay? It's outrageous that they didn't spare even such a young child. It's simply insane and shameless!"

Shu Yu, trailing behind Mengmeng, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the dramatic entrance of the Zenglu Academy students.

Ying Xi explained that initially, these students had intended to go out together with them, but everyone had different places they wanted to visit, so they soon split up into several groups, each heading in different directions.

Mengmeng's group happened to be on the same path as two students from the academy. When they saw the commotion at the teahouse, these two students thought it was a rare opportunity and decided to go find their fellow students to socialize.

With Ying Xi and Xia Yan by Mengmeng's side, these two students weren't concerned.

However, once they left the teahouse, Mengmeng immediately became the center of attention.

This is how these students learned about what had happened to little Mengmeng.

How could they tolerate this? Mengmeng was the daughter of their headmaster, the beloved child of the entire Zenglu Academy, a precious, adorable little one who melted everyone's hearts with her every word and step. They couldn't afford to let this slide. If they didn't stand up for her, people might think there was no one at Zenglu Academy.

"Let's go, Mengmeng. We're heading to the teahouse to settle the score."

Mengmeng nodded firmly, her small head bobbing. "Yes, please follow me, and don't get lost."


"Let's go." The little girl's spirits soared, and her demeanor was so imposing that even passersby avoided her.

Shu Yu couldn't help but twitch her mouth. She wondered if her daughter was going to follow in her footsteps as a formidable woman in the future.

Mengmeng's protective father, Meng Yunzheng, snorted. "Those who don't know their place should be taught a lesson. Mengmeng did the right thing."

Shu Yu sighed inwardly. She had forgotten that there was a "daughter's protector" in the picture.

Not relying on him, Shu Yu turned to Ying Xi and Xia Yan. "You two go with them. Keep an eye on them and make sure they don't get into a fight."

As for arguments, that wasn't a problem. These scholars argued every day, and if they didn't quarrel, they wouldn't be the same as the civil officials in the court. They need to get used to it.

After giving the instructions, Shu Yu returned to her room and continued reviewing the account books.

However, Mengmeng and the others returned earlier than she had expected. Just as Shu Yu was closing the account book, she heard the cheerful voice of her daughter.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Shu Yu raised her eyebrows in surprise. "So soon?"

Ying Xi explained, "When we arrived at the teahouse, the poetry gathering had already ended, and those people had left."

Mengmeng was disappointed. The students from Zenglu Academy were just about to inquire about the identities of those people when she suddenly spotted some delicious snacks on the teahouse table. Her attention was immediately diverted.

She tossed the matter of her artwork to the back of her mind, sat down on a chair with a cheerful clatter, and asked the waiter to serve her a portion.

Oh, no, she asked the waiter to serve everyone a portion. She felt that everyone had worked hard and needed something to eat.

After eating and drinking their fill, they all left the teahouse.

Shu Yu was left speechless once again. Had they gone on a fruitless trip?


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