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Chapter 2415: Extra - Let Me Embellish a Bit

Ying Xi: "...Who told you that it would take five or six years?"

She remembered that when Miss and Young Master were chatting, they only mentioned a maximum of five or six months.

Little Miss's exaggerated tone... Wasn't it too exaggerated?

Huohuo also looked shocked. Compared to Mengmeng, who had an unclear concept of time, he understood very well what five or six years meant.

He didn't quite understand. "Why would it take five or six years? Are you planning to settle there? Are you going to buy a house in the capital?"

Mengmeng blinked. "Go for five or six years? Do we need to buy a house?"

"Of course, if you're not staying for a short time, you'll have to live in an inn, which can be expensive."

Mengmeng looked even more distressed. "That won't do. Not living in an inn. Is it expensive to buy a house in the capital?"

"Yes, it's expensive. The most expensive in the entire Dasu."

Mengmeng sighed and looked down at her little belly. "Then, I'll eat less in the future and save money to buy a house."

"Don't worry. If your family doesn't have enough money, you can ask my parents for a loan. My father's clinic is making a lot of money now. I'll talk to him when I go back, and he'll definitely agree."

"Thank you, big brother."

Ying Xi could hardly suppress her laughter. How did the conversation take such a turn?

Fortunately, the two little ones, while talking, had already walked to Yu Garden. The old lady was waiting for them at the gate. When she saw them coming hand in hand, she smiled. "Have you all had lunch?"

"We've eaten," Mengmeng ran over. "Grandma, hurry and put Mengmeng to sleep."

"Alright, let's go in for a nap."

Mengmeng climbed onto the bed, took off her shoes, and lay down straight, looking peaceful in that posture.

Huohuo lay down on the other side, covering Mengmeng's belly with a small thin blanket and gently patting it.

The old lady knew that the two little ones always had good sleep quality. They would fall asleep in no time, so she hummed a lullaby at the edge of the bed, then stopped and quietly walked out of the room when they were already asleep.

However, as soon as she left, Mengmeng, who had something on her mind, turned to the side and whispered in a hushed tone, "Big brother, are you asleep?"

"No, what's up?"

"Big brother, have you been to the capital before?"

When it came to this, Huohuo became spirited. He immediately turned over and sat up, also speaking in a hushed tone, "Yes, I went to the capital when I was one year old."

Mengmeng was shocked. "One year old?"

"That's right. Didn't you know? The capital is very big and bustling. The streets are packed with people. When you look around, there's probably an official with every glance. When you enter any shop, the things there are like nothing you've ever seen before."

Actually, Huohuo didn't remember what the capital was like at all.

Joking, who would remember things from when they were one year old? 

However, this didn't stop him from learning from his parents that he had indeed been to the capital. Especially his father, who always exaggerated and said that back then, he had cried and begged to go along with them.

Huohuo thought he wasn't that kind of person at all. His father must have exaggerated.

So when he talked to Mengmeng about it, he embellished a bit.

"Back then, it was your father, my uncle, who wanted to go to the capital for an exam. Then my father insisted on going too. Can you believe it? My father didn't need to go to the capital for the exam, so why join in the fun? My uncle was going for official business, so of course, he didn't agree. That's when I stepped in. I said I wanted to see the capital, and that's when my uncle agreed to let me go with him."


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