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Chapter 2406: Sisterly Chat

Subtle sounds reached Shu Yu's ears as she sat up halfway. She saw two figures sitting in the outer room separated by pearl curtains—Ying Xi and Shu You.

Ying Xi was folding clothes, while Shu You was doing needlework.

Upon hearing the movement, Ying Xi turned her head, and she saw Shu Yu sitting up.

Quickly putting down what she was working on, Ying Xi went into the inner room and asked, "Miss, you're awake?"

Shu Yu took a sip of tea and walked out leisurely. "What time is it?"

"It's the Hour of the Rooster," Shu You said with a smile as she pulled her to sit down. "You missed dinner, but Mother has instructed the kitchen to keep your meal warm. Ying Xi will bring it to you."


After Ying Xi left, Shu Yu asked, "What are you doing, sister?"

"I'm making some clothes for the baby in your belly," Shu You replied with a smile. She raised her hand, showing her sewing work. "Your sewing skills are only good enough for crooked purses. I'll be the one making the baby's clothes in the future."

Pointing to the small clothes that Ying Xi had folded on the table, she continued, "These few pieces were worn by Little Huohuo. I brought them over for you."

Children's clothes tend to be soft and comfortable, and Shu You, who owned a clothing shop, used high-quality materials. The texture of these clothes was even better.

"Before this, Cuihua and Lanhua both gave birth," Shu You said as she continued her needlework. "Cuihua had a son, and Lanhua had a daughter. Their births were only five days apart, and both were slightly premature. If you calculate it, Cuihua has already completed her postpartum confinement period, while Lanhua will finish hers on New Year's Eve, which is the day after tomorrow. Mother said that these two children are sensible. They didn't let their mothers spend New Year's confined to their rooms, or else they wouldn't be able to leave during the New Year."

"Yes, they both did. Cui Hua had a son, and Lan Hua had a daughter. There's only a five-day difference between them, both delivered early. Cui Hua has already finished her postpartum recovery, and Lan Hua's recovery will be complete on New Year's Eve, which is the day after tomorrow. They even said these two kids are sensible; they didn't let their mothers stay inside during the New Year, or else they wouldn't be able to leave the house during the holiday."

While Shu You was sewing, she recounted the recent events in the family. "Cui Hua's husband really wanted a daughter, especially since they already have Ah Yuan. Having a daughter would make their family complete. Eldest Aunt even said in private that it would be perfect if the genders of their children could be swapped. But when Grandmother heard this, she scolded her fiercely."

However, in Shu You's opinion, the one who could finally relax was Sister Lan Hua's husband, Zhou Qiao. If Lan Hua had also given birth to a son, it was certain that Aunt would blame Zhou Qiao for not being competent.

Grandmother said, fortunately, Cui Hua and Da Niu could handle eldest Aunt; otherwise, she would surely cause some trouble by now.

Shu Yu laughed, "Cui Hua and Big Brother both have their own opinions, and with them around, we don't have to worry about eldest aunt causing trouble. Lan Hua's husband is good-natured, but he looks intimidating. Eldest Aunt is afraid of him and wouldn't dare to stir up any trouble. Now, it's up to Er Niu."

"Haha," Shu You chuckled, "that's why Grandmother said she'd take charge of Er Niu's marriage in the future. She'll find a daughter-in-law who can restrain Eldest Aunt. Then the four siblings in Eldest Uncle family will have peaceful lives."


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