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Chapter 2405: Mother and Son Reunited

As the children arrived, the courtyard became livelier. Perhaps it was an inherent instinct, but from the moment these children entered, Wei Qin's gaze instinctively fell on the last two children.

She had heard Shu Yu describe Xiao Songle's appearance, and now, seeing the boy on the left, he looked almost identical to the description.

A well-groomed and clean boy who seemed like a young master, especially when he smiled, he bore a striking resemblance to his father, Song Dazhuang.

Xiao Songle had already entered the hall, joyfully holding Quan Quan's hand as he ran up to Meng Yunzheng and Shu Yu. "Uncle, Auntie."

Shu Yu smiled and patted his head before looking to the side.

Following his gaze, Xiao Songle stiffened as he took a step back, his small hand tightly gripping Quan Quan's.

Quan Quan lowered his head, observing his tightly squeezed hand. Just as he was about to protest, he heard Xiao Songle's voice, barely audible as if meant only for them, "Mother?"

Quan Quan paused, raised his head, and saw a young woman not far away. Her eyes were red, and she seemed to be trembling all over.

Xiao Songle was uncertain if he was hallucinating. Why did the person from the image he held in his mind seem to have appeared before him?

He blinked hard, but the person hadn't disappeared.

The little guy suddenly looked at Shu Yu beside him with some uncertainty. "Auntie, I... I think my eyes are playing tricks on me."

Shu Yu chuckled and gently pushed him forward. "Your eyes are just fine; you didn't see wrong. That's your mother, the one in the picture. We've found her, and she's been missing you."

Xiao Songle's eyes widened in shock, and his small hand, no longer gripping Quan Quan's, began to tremble. Step by step, he walked forward.

Wei Qin could no longer contain herself and rushed forward, squatting down to hug him tightly.

Xiao Songle took a deep breath. Was this the scent of his mother?

His small hand gripped Wei Qin's clothes tightly as he softly and uncertainly asked, "Are you... really my mother?"

Tears streamed down Wei Qin's face, and she could hardly speak. She held the child in her arms tightly, nodding repeatedly as she choked out, "Yes, I'm your mother. I'm sorry, I haven't been with you all these years. I'm so sorry."

"It's... It's okay." Xiao Songle felt happy, yet he couldn't help but cry. "I know you had no choice, Aunt, Auntie told me. She said you loved me very much."

Children can be quite understanding. Wei Qin's tears flowed even more heavily. She hugged her son tightly and gently patted his head, her voice trembling, "I do love you. I'm so sorry, Lele."

The mother and son embraced each other and cried together, evoking a profound sense of sadness in the onlookers.

Quan Quan, who had originally wanted to comfort his best friend, was pulled away by Grandma Lu.

"Let them have a private conversation. Let's go," Grandma Lu said, leading him away. "The guest rooms should be ready now. After traveling for so many days, you must be tired. Rest for a while. We'll have a proper conversation later."

The families of the Xu and Fang households expressed their gratitude and left the scene one by one.

Shu Yu, too, was urged by Grandma Lu to rest in the Yu Garden and not disturb by the children.

With her pregnancy, Shu Yu had indeed become more prone to sleep. She didn't refuse and was led back to her room by Meng Yunzheng.

Perhaps it was the comfort of returning home, but she felt unusually relaxed. She slept deeply, and when she woke up, it was already dark outside.


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