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Chapter 2385: The First Apology from the Shu Family

The Shu family had left, but when they reached the doorstep, Shu Zhao, who had remained silent all this time, suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Both Shu Quan and Gu Xinghua looked at her in surprise. Then, Shu Zhao turned around, facing Shu Yu, and said with seriousness and calmness, "I'm sorry."

Shu Yu raised her head, somewhat surprised, as she looked at her.

However, Shu Quan's eyes lit up, thinking that his sister had shown rare wisdom. She had chosen this moment to play the emotional card, and he highly approved of it, encouraging her with his gaze, hoping she would say more.

Gu Xinghua hesitated, wanting to step forward but being held back by Shu Quan.

Shu Zhao continued, "I apologize for the things I did to you in the past. Some things can only be understood through personal experience. I'm sorry."

Shu Yu looked at her in silence. She hadn't expected Shu Zhao to be the first person from the Shu family to apologize to her.

After a moment, she smiled and said, "You're apologizing to me now, making it hard for me not to think that you're trying to gain points for Gu Xinghua."

"No, I don't have that intention. I just..." Shu Zhao didn't know how to explain.

In the past, her temperament had indeed been terrible. She had looked down on Shu Yu, a legitimate daughter of a concubine, and even bullied her out of jealousy for her beauty. She had taken pleasure in Shu Yu's difficult life, with her father's neglect and her mother's suffering.

She hadn't seen anything wrong with her behavior back then. She had believed that life was inherently unfair, and she had just been unlucky enough to be born from a concubine.

Even when she was exiled to the southwest, her way of thinking hadn't changed.

Her life had indeed been difficult after the exile, but her parents were alive, and her elder brother loved her. Apart from the physical suffering and hardship that left her tired and resentful, she had been spiritually content. Compared to the other members of the Shu family, she had felt superior.

It wasn't until her father and brother turned against each other, and she was repeatedly dragged into their conflicts, that she had her heart hurt time and time again.

It wasn't until her father casually married her off to a completely unfamiliar 'old man with a limp and an ugly appearance' that she finally understood. She realized that she was just like her sixth sister and could be abandoned by her father at any time. All the affection she had thought she received was fake, and she wasn't as important as she had believed.

When she got married and had a child, looking at her soft daughter, she thought that if her daughter were sold to someone else like Shu Yu, mistreated and bullied every day, she might go crazy.

Now, Shu Zhao had learned to be content, so she faced Shu Yu with equanimity. Apologizing wasn't difficult for her.

"I understand," Shu Yu said after a while, not explicitly mentioning forgiveness.

Shu Zhao smiled and left with her husband and daughter.

It was Shu Quan who stood still, somewhat stunned, thinking to himself, "Why didn't my little sister say more?"

Now that the Shu family had truly left, Shu Yu continued with her own affairs.

She hadn't confirmed her choice yet and was still in the process of recruiting assistants. The estate continued to be bustling with people, with many coming just to join in the commotion.

Shu Yu had only promised to give Gu Xinghua an interview but hadn't guaranteed him the position.

If she found someone more suitable, she would choose them instead.

Second Madam Shu, was quite dissatisfied with this. However, she didn't dare to confront Shu Yu directly. She could only mutter under her breath in front of her children, "I told you it was useless. Shu Quan returned the money to her, and Shu Zhao has already apologized. Now, all our efforts have been in vain."


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