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Chapter 2384: Youthful Appearance

Shu Quan was the first to enter the room, followed by Shu Zhao and a man holding a child.

Upon seeing the man's appearance, before Shu Yu could ask, she heard Aunt Fang beside her exclaim in surprise, "Are you Gu Xinghua?"

Gu Xinghua, holding the child, nodded. Aunt Fang gasped, her eyes widening as she looked him up and down. "Where's your beard? Aren't you almost thirty? How can you look so... so young?"

He looked almost as young as a teenager.

Gu Xinghua smiled awkwardly, "I shaved my beard."

He explained, "I've always had this youthful face. Back when I was exiled to the southwest, it was just to appear more mature. At that time, I only had my mother and my young sister with me. If I didn't look more mature, I was afraid I couldn't protect them."

Later, after getting married, he shaved his beard. But his wife said he looked too handsome and might attract attention, so he grew it back.

Aunt Fang, after a moment of surprise, nodded in agreement. It made sense.

When Gu Xinghua came to Zhengdao Village, his sister was only about ten years old, and the Gu family's mother was frail and ill. If Gu Xinghua had also appeared easy to bully, their days in Zhengdao Village would have been difficult.

"If you had shaved your beard earlier, maybe you would have married a wife long ago," Aunt Fang commented.

Gu Xinghua glanced at Shu Zhao beside him and said, "It's the same now."

Aunt Fang thought about it and agreed; Shu Zhao wasn't very old.

Shu Yu had already diverted her attention. Gu Xinghua's appearance was fine, and that was what mattered.

"I heard that you learned to read with Fourth Miss?"

Facing Shu Yu, Gu Xinghua was still somewhat nervous. Shu Quan urged him, and he quickly stepped forward, nodding, "Yes, I've been studying for the past two years. Ah Zhao said that even though we were exiled, learning to read is still beneficial."

Shu Yu's gaze then fell on Fourth Miss, and she was mildly surprised.

Fourth Miss looked entirely different from the sharp, haughty appearance she had seen a few years ago. The current Shu Zhao had lost that sharpness, and her expression was calm.

After a quick glance, Shu Yu didn't pay her much more attention. She picked up a book and handed it to Gu Xinghua.

"Read a passage for me."

Gu Xinghua carefully placed the child he was holding into Shu Zhao's arms before taking the book. He opened it with great care. When he spoke, his voice was somewhat coarse, probably to match his bearded appearance.

But when he read, it was a different voice altogether. Shu Yu thought for a moment and then asked after he finished a passage, "If I hire you, will you be able to use this voice when dealing with customers, without intentionally making your voice coarse?"

Gu Xinghua immediately nodded, "I can."

Shu Yu asked a few more questions. Because he was the son-in-law of the Shu family, everyone in the room could feel that her questions were stricter when directed at him.

Shu Quan was getting anxious, especially when Gu Xinghua's answers didn't seem quite right a few times. He had the urge to interrupt.

After finishing her questions, Shu Yu didn't immediately say whether she would hire him. She simply said, "Alright, I understand your situation. I will consider it and give you an answer later."

Shu Quan's lips twitched. Didn't this response essentially mean a polite rejection?

But he knew when to stop, and despite wanting to plead further, he eventually led them towards the door.


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